Interface DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.OrdinalMap

All Known Implementing Classes:
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.DiskOrdinalMap, DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.MemoryOrdinalMap
Enclosing class:

public static interface DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.OrdinalMap
Mapping from old ordinal to new ordinals, used when merging indexes with separate taxonomies.

addToTaxonomies() merges one or more taxonomies into the given taxonomy (this). An OrdinalMap is filled for each of the added taxonomies, containing the new ordinal (in the merged taxonomy) of each of the categories in the old taxonomy.

There exist two implementations of OrdinalMap: MemoryOrdinalMap and DiskOrdinalMap. As their names suggest, the former keeps the map in memory and the latter in a temporary disk file. Because these maps will later be needed one by one (to remap the counting lists), not all at the same time, it is recommended to put the first taxonomy's map in memory, and all the rest on disk (later to be automatically read into memory one by one, when needed).

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Call addDone() to say that all addMapping() have been done.
    addMapping(int origOrdinal, int newOrdinal)
    Record a mapping.
    Return the map from the taxonomy's original (consecutive) ordinals to the new taxonomy's ordinals.
    setSize(int size)
    Set the size of the map.
  • Method Details

    • setSize

      void setSize(int size) throws IOException
      Set the size of the map. This MUST be called before addMapping(). It is assumed (but not verified) that addMapping() will then be called exactly 'size' times, with different origOrdinals between 0 and size-1.
    • addMapping

      void addMapping(int origOrdinal, int newOrdinal) throws IOException
      Record a mapping.
    • addDone

      void addDone() throws IOException
      Call addDone() to say that all addMapping() have been done. In some implementations this might free some resources.
    • getMap

      int[] getMap() throws IOException
      Return the map from the taxonomy's original (consecutive) ordinals to the new taxonomy's ordinals. If the map has to be read from disk and ordered appropriately, it is done when getMap() is called. getMap() should only be called once, and only when the map is actually needed. Calling it will also free all resources that the map might be holding (such as temporary disk space), other than the returned int[].