Package org.apache.lucene.util.hnsw

package org.apache.lucene.util.hnsw
Navigable Small-World graph, nominally Hierarchical but currently only has a single layer. Provides efficient approximate nearest neighbor search for high dimensional vectors.
  • Classes
    A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set bound value with a new value.
    A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set maximum value with a new value.
    A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set minimum value with a new value.
    Hierarchical Navigable Small World graph.
    Iterator over the graph nodes on a certain level, Iterator also provides the size – the total number of nodes to be iterated over.
    Builder for HNSW graph.
    Searches an HNSW graph to find nearest neighbors to a query vector.
    NeighborArray encodes the neighbors of a node and their mutual scores in the HNSW graph as a pair of growable arrays.
    NeighborQueue uses a LongHeap to store lists of arcs in an HNSW graph, represented as a neighbor node id with an associated score packed together as a sortable long, which is sorted primarily by score.
    An HnswGraph where all nodes and connections are held in memory.