Package org.apache.lucene.util.bkd

package org.apache.lucene.util.bkd
Block KD-tree, implementing the generic spatial data structure described in this paper.
  • Class
    Basic parameters for indexing points on the BKD tree.
    Offline Radix selector for BKD tree.
    Sliced reference to points in an PointWriter.
    Handles reading a block KD-tree in byte[] space previously written with BKDWriter.
    Recursively builds a block KD-tree to assign all incoming points in N-dim space to smaller and smaller N-dim rectangles (cells) until the number of points in a given rectangle is <= config.maxPointsInLeafNode.
    Utility class to read buffered points from in-heap arrays.
    Utility class to write new points into in-heap arrays.
    Utility APIs for sorting and partitioning buffered points.
    Reads points from disk in a fixed-with format, previously written with OfflinePointWriter.
    Writes points to disk in a fixed-with format.
    One pass iterator through all points previously written with a PointWriter, abstracting away whether points are read from (offline) disk or simple arrays in heap.
    Represents a dimensional point value written in the BKD tree.
    Appends many points, and then at the end provides a PointReader to iterate those points.