Class ReaderUtil


public final class ReaderUtil extends Object
Common util methods for dealing with IndexReaders and IndexReaderContexts.
NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Method Details

    • getTopLevelContext

      public static IndexReaderContext getTopLevelContext(IndexReaderContext context)
      Walks up the reader tree and return the given context's top level reader context, or in other words the reader tree's root context.
    • subIndex

      public static int subIndex(int n, int[] docStarts)
      Returns index of the searcher/reader for document n in the array used to construct this searcher/reader.
    • subIndex

      public static int subIndex(int n, List<LeafReaderContext> leaves)
      Returns index of the searcher/reader for document n in the array used to construct this searcher/reader.