Class Lift

public class Lift extends Reduce
The Lift class is a data structure that is a variation of a Patricia trie.

Lift's raison d'etre is to implement reduction of the trie via the Lift-Up method., which makes the data structure less liable to overstemming.

  • Constructor Details

    • Lift

      public Lift(boolean changeSkip)
      Constructor for the Lift object.
      changeSkip - when set to true, comparison of two Cells takes a skip command into account
  • Method Details

    • optimize

      public Trie optimize(Trie orig)
      Optimize (eliminate rows with no content) the given Trie and return the reduced Trie.
      optimize in class Reduce
      orig - the Trie to optimized
      the reduced Trie
    • liftUp

      public void liftUp(Row in, List<Row> nodes)
      Reduce the trie using Lift-Up reduction.

      The Lift-Up reduction propagates all leaf-values (patch commands), where possible, to higher levels which are closer to the root of the trie.

      in - the Row to consider when optimizing
      nodes - contains the patch commands