All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
AssociationAggregationFunction |
AssociationFacetField |
Add an instance of this to your Document to add a facet label associated with an
arbitrary byte[].
BackCompatSortedNumericDocValues |
CachedOrdinalsReader |
CachedOrdinalsReader.CachedOrds |
Holds the cached ordinals in two parallel int[] arrays.
ConcurrentSortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts |
DefaultSortedSetDocValuesReaderState |
DimRange |
Defines a single range in a FacetSet dimension.
DirectoryTaxonomyReader |
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter |
TaxonomyWriter which uses a Directory to store the taxonomy information on disk,
and keeps an additional in-memory cache of some or all categories.
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.DiskOrdinalMap |
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.MemoryOrdinalMap |
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.OrdinalMap |
Mapping from old ordinal to new ordinals, used when merging indexes with separate taxonomies.
DocValuesOrdinalsReader |
DoubleFacetSet |
A FacetSet which encodes double dimension values.
DoubleRange |
Represents a range over double values.
DoubleRange |
Represents a double range for RangeOnRange faceting
DoubleRangeFacetCounts |
Facets implementation that computes counts for dynamic double ranges.
DoubleRangeOnRangeFacetCounts |
Represents counts for double range on range faceting.
DrillDownQuery |
A Query for drill-down over facet categories.
DrillSideways |
Computes drill down and sideways counts for the provided DrillDownQuery .
DrillSideways.ConcurrentDrillSidewaysResult<R> |
Result of a concurrent drill sideways search, including the Facets and TopDocs .
DrillSideways.DrillSidewaysResult |
Result of a drill sideways search, including the Facets and TopDocs .
DrillSideways.Result<T,R> |
DynamicRangeUtil |
Methods to create dynamic ranges for numeric fields.
DynamicRangeUtil.DynamicRangeInfo |
Holds parameters of a dynamic numeric range.
ExactFacetSetMatcher |
A FacetSetMatcher which considers a set as a match only if all dimension values are equal
to the given one.
FacetCountsWithFilterQuery |
Base class for facet counts.
FacetField |
Add an instance of this to your Document for every facet label.
FacetLabel |
Holds a sequence of string components, specifying the hierarchical name of a category.
FacetQuery |
FacetResult |
Counts or aggregates for a single dimension.
Facets |
Common base class for all facets implementations.
FacetsCollector |
Collects hits for subsequent faceting.
FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs |
FacetsCollectorManager |
A CollectorManager implementation which produces FacetsCollector and produces a merged
FacetsCollectorManager.FacetsResult |
Holds results of a search run via static utility methods exposed by this class.
FacetsConfig |
Records per-dimension configuration.
FacetsConfig.DimConfig |
Holds the configuration for one dimension
FacetsConfig.DrillDownTermsIndexing |
Drill down terms indexing option to control whether dimension and sub-path terms should be
FacetSet |
Holds a set of facet dimension values.
FacetSetDecoder |
A functional interface for decoding facet set values into comparable `long` ones.
FacetSetMatcher |
FacetSetsField |
FacetUtils |
Utility class with a single method for getting a DocIdSetIterator that skips deleted docs
FastTaxonomyFacetCounts |
Computes facets counts, assuming the default encoding into DocValues was used.
FloatAssociationFacetField |
Add an instance of this to your Document to add a facet label associated with a float.
FloatFacetSet |
A FacetSet which encodes float dimension values.
FloatTaxonomyFacets |
IntAssociationFacetField |
Add an instance of this to your Document to add a facet label associated with an int.
IntFacetSet |
A FacetSet which encodes integer dimension values.
IntTaxonomyFacets |
LabelAndValue |
Single label and its value, usually contained in a FacetResult .
LabelToOrdinal |
Abstract class for storing Label->Ordinal mappings in a taxonomy.
LongFacetSet |
A FacetSet which encodes long dimension values.
LongRange |
Represents a range over long values.
LongRange |
Represents a long range for RangeOnRange faceting
LongRangeFacetCounts |
Facets implementation that computes counts for dynamic long ranges.
LongRangeOnRangeFacetCounts |
Represents counts for long range on range faceting.
LongValueFacetCounts |
Facets implementation that computes counts for all unique long values, more efficiently
counting small values (0-1023) using an int array, and switching to a HashMap for
values above 1023.
LRUHashMap<K,V> |
LRUHashMap is an extension of Java's HashMap, which has a bounded size(); When it reaches that
size, each time a new element is added, the least recently used (LRU) entry is removed.
LruTaxonomyWriterCache |
LruTaxonomyWriterCache.LRUType |
Determines cache type.
MatchingFacetSetsCounts |
Returns the counts for each given FacetSet
MultiDoubleValues |
Per-segment, per-document double values, which can be calculated at search-time.
MultiDoubleValuesSource |
MultiFacetQuery |
MultiFacets |
Maps specified dims to provided Facets impls; else, uses the default Facets impl.
MultiLongValues |
Per-segment, per-document long values, which can be calculated at search-time.
MultiLongValuesSource |
NameHashIntCacheLRU |
An LRU cache of mapping from name to int.
OrdinalMappingLeafReader |
A FilterLeafReader for updating facets ordinal references, based
on an ordinal map.
OrdinalsReader |
OrdinalsReader.OrdinalsSegmentReader |
Returns ordinals for documents in one segment.
ParallelTaxonomyArrays |
Returns 3 arrays for traversing the taxonomy:
parents : parents[i] denotes the parent of category ordinal i .
ParallelTaxonomyArrays.IntArray |
Abstraction that looks like an int[], but read-only.
PrintTaxonomyStats |
Prints how many ords are under each dimension.
RandomSamplingFacetsCollector |
Collects hits for subsequent faceting, using sampling if needed.
Range |
Base class for a single labeled range.
Range |
Base class for a single labeled range.
RangeFacetSetMatcher |
A FacetSetMatcher which considers a set as a match if all dimensions fall within the
given corresponding range.
ReindexingEnrichedDirectoryTaxonomyWriter |
Use this TaxonomyWriter to append arbitrary fields to
the ordinal documents in the taxonomy.
SearcherTaxonomyManager |
Manages near-real-time reopen of both an IndexSearcher and a TaxonomyReader.
SearcherTaxonomyManager.SearcherAndTaxonomy |
SortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts |
SortedSetDocValuesFacetField |
Add an instance of this to your Document for every facet label to be indexed via
SortedSetDocValuesReaderState |
SortedSetDocValuesReaderState.DimTree |
Holds children and sibling information for a single dimension.
SortedSetDocValuesReaderState.OrdRange |
Holds start/end range of ords, which maps to one dimension.
StringDocValuesReaderState |
StringValueFacetCounts |
TaxonomyFacetCounts |
TaxonomyFacetFloatAssociations |
Aggregates float values associated with facet fields.
TaxonomyFacetIntAssociations |
TaxonomyFacetLabels |
Utility class to easily retrieve previously indexed facet labels, allowing you to skip also
adding stored fields for these values, reducing your index size.
TaxonomyFacets |
TaxonomyFacets.AggregatedValue |
An accumulator for an aggregated value.
TaxonomyFacetSumFloatAssociations |
TaxonomyFacetSumIntAssociations |
TaxonomyFacetSumValueSource |
TaxonomyMergeUtils |
Utility methods for merging index and taxonomy directories.
TaxonomyReader |
TaxonomyReader is the read-only interface with which the faceted-search library uses the taxonomy
during search time.
TaxonomyReader.ChildrenIterator |
An iterator over a category's children.
TaxonomyWriter |
TaxonomyWriter is the interface which the faceted-search library uses to dynamically build the
taxonomy at indexing time.
TaxonomyWriterCache |
TaxonomyWriterCache is a relatively simple interface for a cache of category->ordinal
mappings, used in TaxonomyWriter implementations (such as DirectoryTaxonomyWriter ).
TopOrdAndFloatNumberQueue |
TopOrdAndFloatNumberQueue.OrdAndFloat |
Holds an ordinal and a float value.
TopOrdAndFloatQueue |
Keeps highest results, first by largest float value, then tie break by smallest ord.
TopOrdAndFloatQueue.OrdAndValue |
Holds a single entry.
TopOrdAndIntNumberQueue |
TopOrdAndIntNumberQueue.OrdAndInt |
Holds an ordinal and an int value.
TopOrdAndIntQueue |
Keeps highest results, first by largest int value, then tie break by smallest ord.
TopOrdAndIntQueue.OrdAndValue |
Holds a single entry.
TopOrdAndNumberQueue |
Keeps highest results, first by largest value, then tie-break by smallest ord.
TopOrdAndNumberQueue.OrdAndValue |
Holds a single entry.
UTF8TaxonomyWriterCache |