All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
BigIntegerPoint |
An indexed 128-bit BigInteger field.
CandidateSetOrdinalIterator |
OrdinalIterator that filters out ordinals from delegate if they are not in the candidate
CombinedFieldQuery |
A Query that treats multiple fields as a single stream and scores terms as if you had
indexed them as a single term in a single field.
CombinedFieldQuery.Builder |
ComparableSupplier<T extends Comparable<T>> |
ComparableUtils |
Collection of static methods to provide most common comparables for sandbox faceting.
ComparableUtils.ByAggregatedValueComparable |
ComparableUtils.ByCountAndLongValueComparable |
ComparableUtils.ByCountComparable |
ComparableUtils.ByLongValueComparable |
ComparableUtils.ByOrdinalComparable |
CountFacetRecorder |
CoveringQuery |
A Query that allows to have a configurable number or required matches per document.
DoublePointMultiRangeBuilder |
Builder for multi range queries for DoublePoints
DoubleRangeFacetCutter |
FacetCutter |
FacetFieldCollector |
FacetFieldCollectorManager<V extends FacetRecorder> |
FacetRecorder |
Record data for each facet of each doc.
FloatPointMultiRangeBuilder |
Builder for multi range queries for FloatPoints
FloatPointNearestNeighbor |
KNN search on top of N dimensional indexed float points.
FuzzyLikeThisQuery |
Fuzzifies ALL terms provided as strings and then picks the best n differentiating terms.
HalfFloatPoint |
An indexed half-float field for fast range filters.
IDVersionPostingsFormat |
IDVersionSegmentTermsEnum |
IntPointMultiRangeBuilder |
Builder for multi range queries for IntPoints
LabelToOrd |
Label to ord mapping interface.
LargeNumHitsTopDocsCollector |
Optimized collector for large number of hits.
LatLonBoundingBox |
An indexed 2-Dimension Bounding Box field for the Geospatial Lat/Lon Coordinate system
LatLonPointPrototypeQueries |
Holder class for prototype sandboxed queries
LeafFacetCutter |
Interface to be implemented to cut documents into facets for an index segment (leaf).
LeafFacetRecorder |
Record data for each facet of each doc of a leaf (segment).
LongAggregationsFacetRecorder |
FacetRecorder that computes multiple long aggregations per facet.
LongPointMultiRangeBuilder |
Builder for multi range queries for LongPoints
LongRangeFacetCutter |
LongValueFacetCutter |
MergeOnFlushMergePolicy |
MultiFacetsRecorder |
MultiRangeQuery |
Abstract class for range queries involving multiple ranges against physical points such as
IntPoints All ranges are logically ORed together
MultiRangeQuery.Builder |
A builder for multirange queries.
MultiRangeQuery.RangeClause |
Representation of a single clause in a MultiRangeQuery
OrdinalIterator |
Iterate over ordinals.
OrdToLabel |
Ordinal to label mapping interface.
PayloadSpanCollector |
SpanCollector for collecting payloads
PayloadSpanUtil |
Experimental class to get set of payloads for most standard Lucene queries.
PhraseWildcardQuery |
A generalized version of PhraseQuery , built with one or more MultiTermQuery that
provides term expansions for multi-terms (one of the expanded terms must match).
PhraseWildcardQuery.Builder |
PhraseWildcardQuery.MultiTerm |
Phrase term with expansions.
PhraseWildcardQuery.PhraseTerm |
PhraseWildcardQuery.SingleTerm |
Phrase term with no expansion.
PhraseWildcardQuery.TermBytesTermState |
Holds a pair of term bytes - term state.
PhraseWildcardQuery.TermData |
Holds the TermState for all the collected Term , for a specific phrase term, for
all segments.
PhraseWildcardQuery.TermsData |
PhraseWildcardQuery.TermStats |
Accumulates the doc freq and total term freq.
PhraseWildcardQuery.TestCounters |
Test counters incremented when assertions are enabled.
ProfilerCollector |
This class wraps a Collector and times the execution of: - setScorer() - collect() -
doSetNextReader() - needsScores()
ProfilerCollectorManager |
ProfilerCollectorResult |
Public class for profiled timings of the Collectors used in the search.
QueryProfilerIndexSearcher |
An extension of IndexSearcher that records profile information for all queries it
QueryProfilerResult |
This class is the internal representation of a profiled Query, corresponding to a single node in
the query tree.
QueryProfilerTimingType |
This enum breaks down the query into different sections to describe what was timed.
RangeOrdToLabel |
Reducer |
Reducer for numeric values.
TaxonomyChildrenOrdinalIterator |
Facets results selector to get children for selected parent.
TaxonomyFacetsCutter |
FacetCutter for facets that use taxonomy side-car index.
TaxonomyOrdLabelBiMap |
Map taxonomy labels to ordinals.
TermAutomatonQuery |
A proximity query that lets you express an automaton, whose transitions are terms, to match
TokenStreamToTermAutomatonQuery |
TopnOrdinalIterator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Class that consumes incoming ordinals, sorts them by provided Comparable, and returns first top N
ordinals only.
VersionBlockTreeTermsReader |
VersionBlockTreeTermsWriter |
This is just like Lucene90BlockTreeTermsWriter , except it also stores a version per term,
and adds a method to its TermsEnum implementation to seekExact only if the version is >= the
specified version.