Class ToStringUtils

    • Method Detail

      • byteArray

        public static void byteArray​(StringBuilder buffer,
                                     byte[] bytes)
      • longHex

        public static String longHex​(long x)
        Unlike Long.toHexString(long) returns a String with a "0x" prefix and all the leading zeros.
      • bytesRefToString

        public static String bytesRefToString​(BytesRef b)
        Builds a String with both textual representation of the BytesRef data and the bytes hex values. For example: "hello [68 65 6c 6c 6f]". If the content is not a valid UTF-8 sequence, only the bytes hex values are returned, as per BytesRef.toString().
      • bytesRefToString

        public static String bytesRefToString​(byte[] b)