class |
Axiomatic |
Axiomatic approaches for IR.
class |
AxiomaticF1EXP |
F1EXP is defined as Sum(tf(term_doc_freq)*ln(docLen)*IDF(term)) where IDF(t) = pow((N+1)/df(t),
k) N=total num of docs, df=doc freq
class |
AxiomaticF1LOG |
F1LOG is defined as Sum(tf(term_doc_freq)*ln(docLen)*IDF(term)) where IDF(t) = ln((N+1)/df(t))
N=total num of docs, df=doc freq
class |
AxiomaticF2EXP |
F2EXP is defined as Sum(tfln(term_doc_freq, docLen)*IDF(term)) where IDF(t) = pow((N+1)/df(t), k)
N=total num of docs, df=doc freq
class |
AxiomaticF2LOG |
F2EXP is defined as Sum(tfln(term_doc_freq, docLen)*IDF(term)) where IDF(t) = ln((N+1)/df(t))
N=total num of docs, df=doc freq
class |
AxiomaticF3EXP |
F3EXP is defined as Sum(tf(term_doc_freq)*IDF(term)-gamma(docLen, queryLen)) where IDF(t) =
pow((N+1)/df(t), k) N=total num of docs, df=doc freq gamma(docLen, queryLen) =
(docLen-queryLen)*queryLen*s/avdl NOTE: the gamma function of this similarity creates negative
class |
AxiomaticF3LOG |
F3EXP is defined as Sum(tf(term_doc_freq)*IDF(term)-gamma(docLen, queryLen)) where IDF(t) =
ln((N+1)/df(t)) N=total num of docs, df=doc freq gamma(docLen, queryLen) =
(docLen-queryLen)*queryLen*s/avdl NOTE: the gamma function of this similarity creates negative
class |
BM25Similarity |
BM25 Similarity.
class |
BooleanSimilarity |
Simple similarity that gives terms a score that is equal to their query boost.
class |
ClassicSimilarity |
Expert: Historical scoring implementation.
class |
DFISimilarity |
Implements the Divergence from Independence (DFI) model based on Chi-square statistics
(i.e., standardized Chi-squared distance from independence in term frequency tf).
class |
DFRSimilarity |
Implements the divergence from randomness (DFR) framework introduced in Gianni Amati and
Cornelis Joost Van Rijsbergen.
class |
IBSimilarity |
Provides a framework for the family of information-based models, as described in Stéphane
Clinchant and Eric Gaussier.
class |
IndriDirichletSimilarity |
Bayesian smoothing using Dirichlet priors as implemented in the Indri Search engine
class |
LMDirichletSimilarity |
Bayesian smoothing using Dirichlet priors.
class |
LMJelinekMercerSimilarity |
Language model based on the Jelinek-Mercer smoothing method.
class |
LMSimilarity |
Abstract superclass for language modeling Similarities.
class |
MultiSimilarity |
Implements the CombSUM method for combining evidence from multiple similarity values described
in: Joseph A.
class |
PerFieldSimilarityWrapper |
Provides the ability to use a different Similarity for different fields.
class |
SimilarityBase |
A subclass of Similarity that provides a simplified API for its descendants.
class |
TFIDFSimilarity |
Implementation of Similarity with the Vector Space Model.