Uses of Class
Packages that use Point Package Description org.apache.lucene.document The logical representation of aDocument
for indexing and Geospatial Utility Implementations for Lucene Core -
Uses of Point in org.apache.lucene.document
Methods in org.apache.lucene.document that return Point Modifier and Type Method Description protected Point
LatLonShapeDocValues. computeCentroid()
LatLonShapeDocValues. getCentroid()
LatLonShapeDocValuesField. getCentroid()
retrieves the centroid location for the geometry -
Uses of Point in org.apache.lucene.geo
Method parameters in org.apache.lucene.geo with type arguments of type Point Modifier and Type Method Description void
Tessellator.Monitor. currentState(String status, List<Point> points, List<Tessellator.Triangle> tessellation)
Each loop of the main earclip algorithm will call this with the current statevoid
Tessellator.Monitor. startSplit(String status, List<Point> leftPolygon, List<Point> rightPolygon)
When a new polygon split is entered for mode=SPLIT, this is called.