Class Lucene99HnswScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Lucene99HnswScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat
    extends KnnVectorsFormat
    Lucene 9.9 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values into an associated graph connecting the documents having values. The graph is used to power HNSW search. The format consists of two files, and uses Lucene99ScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat to store the actual vectors: For details on graph storage and file extensions, see Lucene99HnswVectorsFormat.
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Lucene99HnswScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat

        public Lucene99HnswScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat()
        Constructs a format using default graph construction parameters
      • Lucene99HnswScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat

        public Lucene99HnswScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat​(int maxConn,
                                                        int beamWidth)
        Constructs a format using the given graph construction parameters.
        maxConn - the maximum number of connections to a node in the HNSW graph
        beamWidth - the size of the queue maintained during graph construction.
      • Lucene99HnswScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat

        public Lucene99HnswScalarQuantizedVectorsFormat​(int maxConn,
                                                        int beamWidth,
                                                        int numMergeWorkers,
                                                        int bits,
                                                        boolean compress,
                                                        Float confidenceInterval,
                                                        ExecutorService mergeExec)
        Constructs a format using the given graph construction parameters and scalar quantization.
        maxConn - the maximum number of connections to a node in the HNSW graph
        beamWidth - the size of the queue maintained during graph construction.
        numMergeWorkers - number of workers (threads) that will be used when doing merge. If larger than 1, a non-null ExecutorService must be passed as mergeExec
        bits - the number of bits to use for scalar quantization (must be between 1 and 8, inclusive)
        compress - whether to compress the vectors, if true, the vectors that are quantized with lte 4 bits will be compressed into a single byte. If false, the vectors will be stored as is. This provides a trade-off of memory usage and speed.
        confidenceInterval - the confidenceInterval for scalar quantizing the vectors, when `null` it is calculated based on the vector field dimensions. When `0`, the quantiles are dynamically determined by sampling many confidence intervals and determining the most accurate pair.
        mergeExec - the ExecutorService that will be used by ALL vector writers that are generated by this format to do the merge