All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
BlockDecoder |
Decodes the raw bytes of a block when the index is read, according to the BlockEncoder
used during the writing of the index.
BlockEncoder |
Encodes the raw bytes of a block when the index is written.
BlockEncoder.WritableBytes |
Writable byte buffer.
BlockHeader |
Block header containing block metadata.
BlockHeader.Serializer |
Reads/writes block header.
BlockLine |
One term block line.
BlockLine.Serializer |
Reads/writes block lines with terms encoded incrementally inside a block.
BlockReader |
Seeks the block corresponding to a given term, read the block bytes, and scans the block terms.
BlockTermsReader |
Handles a terms dict, but decouples all details of doc/freqs/positions reading to an instance of
PostingsReaderBase .
BlockTermsWriter |
Writes terms dict, block-encoding (column stride) each term's metadata for each set of terms
between two index terms.
BlockTreeOrdsPostingsFormat |
BlockWriter |
Writes blocks in the block file.
BloomFilterFactory |
Class used to create index-time FuzzySet appropriately configured for each field.
BloomFilteringPostingsFormat |
A PostingsFormat useful for low doc-frequency fields such as primary keys.
DefaultBloomFilterFactory |
Default policy is to allocate a bitset with 10% saturation given a unique term per document.
DeltaBaseTermStateSerializer |
TermState serializer which encodes each file pointer as a delta relative to a base file
DirectPostingsFormat |
Wraps Lucene99PostingsFormat format for on-disk storage, but then at read time loads and
stores all terms and postings directly in RAM as byte[], int[].
FieldMetadata |
Metadata and stats for one field in the index.
FieldMetadata.Serializer |
Reads/writes field metadata.
FieldMetadataTermState |
FixedGapTermsIndexReader |
TermsIndexReader for simple every Nth terms indexes.
FixedGapTermsIndexWriter |
Selects every Nth term as and index term, and hold term bytes (mostly) fully expanded in memory.
FlatBitVectorsScorer |
A bit vector scorer for scoring byte vectors.
FSTDictionary |
Immutable stateless FST -based index dictionary kept in memory.
FSTDictionary.BrowserSupplier |
FSTDictionary.Builder |
FSTPostingsFormat |
FST term dict + Lucene50PBF
FSTTermsReader |
FST-based terms dictionary reader.
FSTTermsWriter |
FST-based term dict, using metadata as FST output.
FuzzySet |
A class used to represent a set of many, potentially large, values (e.g.
FuzzySet.ContainsResult |
HashFunction |
Base class for hashing functions that can be referred to by name.
HnswBitVectorsFormat |
Encodes bit vector values into an associated graph connecting the documents having values.
IndexDictionary |
Immutable stateless index dictionary kept in RAM.
IndexDictionary.Browser |
IndexDictionary.BrowserSupplier |
IndexDictionary.Builder |
IntersectBlockReader |
IntersectBlockReader.BlockIteration |
Block iteration order.
MurmurHash64 |
This is a very fast, non-cryptographic hash suitable for general hash-based lookup.
OrdsBlockTreeTermsReader |
OrdsBlockTreeTermsWriter |
This is just like Lucene90BlockTreeTermsWriter , except it also stores a version per term,
and adds a method to its TermsEnum implementation to seekExact only if the version is >= the
specified version.
OrdsSegmentTermsEnum |
Iterates through terms in this field.
RamUsageUtil |
Utility methods to estimate the RAM usage of objects.
SimpleTextCodec |
plain text index format.
SimpleTextCompoundFormat |
plain text compound format.
SimpleTextFieldInfosFormat |
plaintext field infos format
SimpleTextKnnVectorsFormat |
For debugging, curiosity, transparency only!! Do not use this codec in production.
SimpleTextKnnVectorsReader |
Reads vector values from a simple text format.
SimpleTextKnnVectorsWriter |
Writes vector-valued fields in a plain text format
SimpleTextLiveDocsFormat |
reads/writes plaintext live docs
SimpleTextNormsFormat |
plain-text norms format.
SimpleTextNormsFormat.SimpleTextNormsConsumer |
Writes plain-text norms.
SimpleTextNormsFormat.SimpleTextNormsProducer |
Reads plain-text norms.
SimpleTextPointsFormat |
For debugging, curiosity, transparency only!! Do not use this codec in production.
SimpleTextSegmentInfoFormat |
plain text segments file format.
SimpleTextStoredFieldsFormat |
plain text stored fields format.
SimpleTextStoredFieldsReader |
reads plaintext stored fields
SimpleTextStoredFieldsWriter |
Writes plain-text stored fields.
SimpleTextTermVectorsFormat |
plain text term vectors format.
SimpleTextTermVectorsReader |
Reads plain-text term vectors.
SimpleTextTermVectorsWriter |
Writes plain-text term vectors.
STBlockLine |
STBlockLine.Serializer |
Reads block lines encoded incrementally, with all fields corresponding to the term of the line.
STBlockReader |
Reads terms blocks with the Shared Terms format.
STBlockWriter |
Writes terms blocks with the Shared Terms format.
STIntersectBlockReader |
STMergingBlockReader |
TermsEnum used when merging segments, to enumerate the terms of
an input segment and get all the fields TermState s of each term.
STUniformSplitPostingsFormat |
PostingsFormat based on the Uniform Split technique and supporting Shared Terms.
STUniformSplitTerms |
Extends UniformSplitTerms for a shared-terms dictionary, with all the fields of a term in
the same block line.
STUniformSplitTermsReader |
A block-based terms index and dictionary based on the Uniform Split technique, and sharing all
the fields terms in the same dictionary, with all the fields of a term in the same block line.
STUniformSplitTermsWriter |
Extends UniformSplitTermsWriter by sharing all the fields terms in the same dictionary
and by writing all the fields of a term in the same block line.
TermBytes |
Term of a block line.
TermsIndexReaderBase |
BlockTermsReader interacts with an instance of this class to manage its terms index.
TermsIndexReaderBase.FieldIndexEnum |
Similar to TermsEnum, except, the only "metadata" it reports for a given indexed term is the
long fileOffset into the main terms dictionary file.
TermsIndexWriterBase |
UniformSplitPostingsFormat |
UniformSplitTerms |
Terms based on the Uniform Split technique.
UniformSplitTermsReader |
A block-based terms index and dictionary based on the Uniform Split technique.
UniformSplitTermsWriter |
A block-based terms index and dictionary that assigns terms to nearly uniform length blocks.
UnionFieldMetadataBuilder |
VariableGapTermsIndexReader |
VariableGapTermsIndexWriter |
VariableGapTermsIndexWriter.EveryNOrDocFreqTermSelector |
Sets an index term when docFreq >= docFreqThresh, or every interval terms.
VariableGapTermsIndexWriter.EveryNTermSelector |
VariableGapTermsIndexWriter.IndexTermSelector |
Hook for selecting which terms should be placed in the terms index.