Interface GeoPath

All Superinterfaces:
Bounded, GeoArea, GeoAreaShape, GeoBounds, GeoDistance, GeoDistanceShape, GeoMembershipShape, GeoOutsideDistance, GeoShape, Membership, PlanetObject, SerializableObject

public interface GeoPath extends GeoDistanceShape
Interface describing a path.
WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Method Details

    • computeNearestDistance

      default double computeNearestDistance(DistanceStyle distanceStyle, GeoPoint point)
      Compute the nearest path distance to the GeoPoint. The path distance will not include the distance from the path itself to the point, but just the distance along the path to the nearest point on the path.
      distanceStyle - is the distance style.
      point - is the point to compute the distance to.
      the distance to the nearest path point.
    • computeNearestDistance

      double computeNearestDistance(DistanceStyle distanceStyle, double x, double y, double z)
      Compute the nearest path distance to the GeoPoint. The path distance will not include the distance from the path itself to the point, but just the distance along the path to the nearest point on the path.
      x - is the point's unit x coordinate (using U.S. convention).
      y - is the point's unit y coordinate (using U.S. convention).
      z - is the point's unit z coordinate (using U.S. convention).
      the distance to the nearest path point.
    • computePathCenterDistance

      default double computePathCenterDistance(DistanceStyle distanceStyle, GeoPoint point)
      Compute the shortest distance from the path center to the GeoPoint. The distance is meant to allow comparisons between different paths to find the one that goes closest to a point.
      distanceStyle - is the distance style.
      point - is the point to compute the distance to.
      the shortest distance from the path center to the point.
    • computePathCenterDistance

      double computePathCenterDistance(DistanceStyle distanceStyle, double x, double y, double z)
      Compute the shortest distance from the path center to the GeoPoint. The distance is meant to allow comparisons between different paths to find the one that goes closest to a point.
      distanceStyle - is the distance style.
      x - is the point's unit x coordinate (using U.S. convention).
      y - is the point's unit y coordinate (using U.S. convention).
      z - is the point's unit z coordinate (using U.S. convention).
      the shortest distance from the path center to the point.