Class GeoDegenerateVerticalLine

All Implemented Interfaces:
Bounded, GeoArea, GeoAreaShape, GeoBBox, GeoBounds, GeoMembershipShape, GeoOutsideDistance, GeoShape, GeoSizeable, Membership, PlanetObject, SerializableObject

public class GeoDegenerateVerticalLine extends GeoBaseMembershipShape
Degenerate bounding box limited on two sides (top lat, bottom lat).
NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Field Details

    • topLat

      protected final double topLat
      Top latitude of the vertical line
    • bottomLat

      protected final double bottomLat
      Bottom latitude of the vertical line
    • longitude

      protected final double longitude
      Longitude of the vertical line
    • UHC

      protected final GeoPoint UHC
      Point at the upper end of the vertical line
    • LHC

      protected final GeoPoint LHC
      Point at the lower end of the vertical line
    • topPlane

      protected final SidedPlane topPlane
      Top end cutoff plane
    • bottomPlane

      protected final SidedPlane bottomPlane
      Bottom end cutoff plane
    • boundingPlane

      protected final SidedPlane boundingPlane
      Back-side cutoff plane
    • plane

      protected final Plane plane
      The vertical line plane
    • planePoints

      protected final GeoPoint[] planePoints
      Notable points for the line (end points)
    • centerPoint

      protected final GeoPoint centerPoint
      A computed center point for the line
    • edgePoints

      protected final GeoPoint[] edgePoints
      A point that's on the line

      protected static final int ALL_INSIDE
      All edgepoints inside shape
      See Also:

      protected static final int SOME_INSIDE
      Some edgepoints inside shape
      See Also:

      protected static final int NONE_INSIDE
      No edgepoints inside shape
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GeoDegenerateVerticalLine

      public GeoDegenerateVerticalLine(PlanetModel planetModel, double topLat, double bottomLat, double longitude)
      Accepts only values in the following ranges: lat: -PI/2 -> PI/2, longitude: -PI -> PI
    • GeoDegenerateVerticalLine

      public GeoDegenerateVerticalLine(PlanetModel planetModel, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
      Constructor for deserialization.
      planetModel - is the planet model.
      inputStream - is the input stream.
  • Method Details

    • write

      public void write(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: SerializableObject
      Serialize to output stream.
      Specified by:
      write in interface SerializableObject
      write in class BasePlanetObject
      outputStream - is the output stream to write to.
    • expand

      public GeoBBox expand(double angle)
      Description copied from interface: GeoBBox
      Expand box by specified angle.
      angle - is the angle amount to expand the GeoBBox by.
      a new GeoBBox.
    • isWithin

      public boolean isWithin(double x, double y, double z)
      Description copied from interface: Membership
      Check if a point is within this shape.
      x - is x coordinate of point to check.
      y - is y coordinate of point to check.
      z - is z coordinate of point to check.
      true if the point is within this shape
    • getRadius

      public double getRadius()
      Description copied from interface: GeoSizeable
      Returns the radius of a circle into which the GeoSizeable area can be inscribed.
      the radius.
    • getCenter

      public GeoPoint getCenter()
      Description copied from interface: GeoSizeable
      Returns the center of a circle into which the area will be inscribed.
      the center.
    • getEdgePoints

      public GeoPoint[] getEdgePoints()
      Description copied from interface: GeoShape
      Return a sample point that is on the outside edge/boundary of the shape.
      samples of all edge points from distinct edge sections. Typically one point is returned, but zero or two are also possible.
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(Plane p, GeoPoint[] notablePoints, Membership... bounds)
      Description copied from interface: GeoShape
      Assess whether a plane, within the provided bounds, intersects with the shape's edges. Any overlap, even a single point, is considered to be an intersection. Note well that this method is allowed to return "true" if there are internal edges of a composite shape which intersect the plane. Doing this can cause getRelationship() for most GeoBBox shapes to return OVERLAPS rather than the more correct CONTAINS, but that cannot be helped for some complex shapes that are built out of overlapping parts.
      p - is the plane to assess for intersection with the shape's edges or bounding curves.
      notablePoints - represents the intersections of the plane with the supplied bounds. These are used to disambiguate when two planes are identical and it needs to be determined whether any points exist that fulfill all the bounds.
      bounds - are a set of bounds that define an area that an intersection must be within in order to qualify (provided by a GeoArea).
      true if there's such an intersection, false if not.
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(GeoShape geoShape)
      Description copied from interface: GeoAreaShape
      Assess whether a shape intersects with any of the edges of this shape. Note well that this method must return false if the shape contains or is disjoint with the given shape. It is permissible to return true if the shape is within the specified shape, if it is difficult to compute intersection with edges.
      geoShape - is the shape to assess for intersection with this shape's edges.
      true if there's such an intersection, false if not.
    • getBounds

      public void getBounds(Bounds bounds)
      Description copied from interface: Bounded
      Compute bounds for the shape.
      Specified by:
      getBounds in interface Bounded
      getBounds in class GeoBaseBounds
      bounds - is the input bounds object. The input object will be modified.
    • getRelationship

      public int getRelationship(GeoShape path)
      Description copied from interface: GeoArea
      Find the spatial relationship between a shape and the current geo area. Note: return value is how the GeoShape relates to the GeoArea, not the other way around. For example, if this GeoArea is entirely within the shape, then CONTAINS should be returned. If the shape is entirely enclosed by this GeoArea, then WITHIN should be returned.

      It is permissible to return OVERLAPS instead of WITHIN if the shape intersects with the area at even a single point. So, a circle inscribed in a rectangle could return either OVERLAPS or WITHIN, depending on implementation. It is not permissible to return CONTAINS or DISJOINT in this circumstance, however.

      Similarly, it is permissible to return OVERLAPS instead of CONTAINS under conditions where the shape consists of multiple independent overlapping subshapes, and the area overlaps one of the subshapes. It is not permissible to return WITHIN or DISJOINT in this circumstance, however.

      Specified by:
      getRelationship in interface GeoArea
      path - is the shape to consider.
      the relationship, from the perspective of the shape.
    • outsideDistance

      protected double outsideDistance(DistanceStyle distanceStyle, double x, double y, double z)
      Description copied from class: GeoBaseMembershipShape
      Called by a computeOutsideDistance method if X/Y/Z is not within this shape.
      Specified by:
      outsideDistance in class GeoBaseMembershipShape
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class BasePlanetObject
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class BasePlanetObject
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isShapeInsideGeoAreaShape

      protected int isShapeInsideGeoAreaShape(GeoShape geoShape)
      Determine the relationship between the GeoAreShape and the shape's edgepoints.
      geoShape - is the shape.
      the relationship.
    • isGeoAreaShapeInsideShape

      protected int isGeoAreaShapeInsideShape(GeoShape geoshape)
      Determine the relationship between the GeoAreaShape's edgepoints and the provided shape.
      geoshape - is the shape.
      the relationship.