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addField(String, String, Analyzer) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Convenience method; Tokenizes the given field text and adds the resulting terms to the index; Equivalent to adding an indexed non-keyword Lucene Field that is tokenized, not stored, termVectorStored with positions (or termVectorStored with positions and offsets),
addField(String, TokenStream) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Iterates over the given token stream and adds the resulting terms to the index; Equivalent to adding a tokenized, indexed, termVectorStored, unstored, Lucene Field.
addField(String, TokenStream, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Iterates over the given token stream and adds the resulting terms to the index; Equivalent to adding a tokenized, indexed, termVectorStored, unstored, Lucene Field.
addField(String, TokenStream, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Iterates over the given token stream and adds the resulting terms to the index; Equivalent to adding a tokenized, indexed, termVectorStored, unstored, Lucene Field.
addField(IndexableField, Analyzer) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Adds a lucene IndexableField to the MemoryIndex using the provided analyzer.


createSearcher() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Creates and returns a searcher that can be used to execute arbitrary Lucene queries and to collect the resulting query results as hits.


freeze() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Prepares the MemoryIndex for querying in a non-lazy way.
fromDocument(Iterable<? extends IndexableField>, Analyzer) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Builds a MemoryIndex from a lucene Document using an analyzer
fromDocument(Iterable<? extends IndexableField>, Analyzer, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Builds a MemoryIndex from a lucene Document using an analyzer
fromDocument(Iterable<? extends IndexableField>, Analyzer, boolean, boolean, long) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Builds a MemoryIndex from a lucene Document using an analyzer


keywordTokenStream(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Convenience method; Creates and returns a token stream that generates a token for each keyword in the given collection, "as is", without any transforming text analysis.


MemoryIndex - Class in org.apache.lucene.index.memory
High-performance single-document main memory Apache Lucene fulltext search index.
MemoryIndex() - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Constructs an empty instance that will not store offsets or payloads.
MemoryIndex(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Constructs an empty instance that can optionally store the start and end character offset of each token term in the text.
MemoryIndex(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Constructs an empty instance with the option of storing offsets and payloads.


org.apache.lucene.index.memory - package org.apache.lucene.index.memory
High-performance single-document main memory Apache Lucene fulltext search index.


reset() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Resets the MemoryIndex to its initial state and recycles all internal buffers.


search(Query) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Convenience method that efficiently returns the relevance score by matching this index against the given Lucene query expression.
setSimilarity(Similarity) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Set the Similarity to be used for calculating field norms


toStringDebug() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Returns a String representation of the index data for debugging purposes.
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