Class GroupVIntUtil


public final class GroupVIntUtil extends Object
This class contains utility methods and constants for group varint
NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • GroupVIntUtil

      public GroupVIntUtil()
  • Method Details

    • readGroupVInt

      public static void readGroupVInt(DataInput in, long[] dst, int offset) throws IOException
      Default implementation of read single group, for optimal performance, you should use DataInput.readGroupVInts(long[], int) instead.
      dst - the array to read ints into.
      offset - the offset in the array to start storing ints.
    • readGroupVInt

      public static int readGroupVInt(DataInput in, long remaining, GroupVIntUtil.IntReader reader, long pos, long[] dst, int offset) throws IOException
      Faster implementation of read single group, It read values from the buffer that would not cross boundaries.
      in - the input to use to read data.
      remaining - the number of remaining bytes allowed to read for current block/segment.
      reader - the supplier of read int.
      pos - the start pos to read from the reader.
      dst - the array to read ints into.
      offset - the offset in the array to start storing ints.
      the number of bytes read excluding the flag. this indicates the number of positions should to be increased for caller, it is 0 or positive number and less than MAX_LENGTH_PER_GROUP
    • writeGroupVInts

      public static void writeGroupVInts(DataOutput out, byte[] scratch, long[] values, int limit) throws IOException
      The implementation for group-varint encoding, It uses a maximum of MAX_LENGTH_PER_GROUP bytes scratch buffer.