Class MultiLeafKnnCollector

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class MultiLeafKnnCollector extends Object implements KnnCollector
MultiLeafKnnCollector is a specific KnnCollector that can exchange the top collected results across segments through a shared global queue.
WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Constructor Details

    • MultiLeafKnnCollector

      public MultiLeafKnnCollector(int k, BlockingFloatHeap globalSimilarityQueue, AbstractKnnCollector subCollector)
      Create a new MultiLeafKnnCollector.
      k - the number of neighbors to collect
      globalSimilarityQueue - the global queue of the highest similarities collected so far across all segments
      subCollector - the local collector
  • Method Details

    • earlyTerminated

      public boolean earlyTerminated()
      Description copied from interface: KnnCollector
      If search visits too many documents, the results collector will terminate early. Usually, this is due to some restricted filter on the document set.

      When collection is earlyTerminated, the results are not a correct representation of k nearest neighbors.

      Specified by:
      earlyTerminated in interface KnnCollector
      is the current result set marked as incomplete?
    • incVisitedCount

      public void incVisitedCount(int count)
      Specified by:
      incVisitedCount in interface KnnCollector
      count - increments the visited vector count, must be greater than 0.
    • visitedCount

      public long visitedCount()
      Specified by:
      visitedCount in interface KnnCollector
      the current visited vector count
    • visitLimit

      public long visitLimit()
      Specified by:
      visitLimit in interface KnnCollector
      the visited vector limit
    • k

      public int k()
      Specified by:
      k in interface KnnCollector
      the expected number of collected results
    • collect

      public boolean collect(int docId, float similarity)
      Description copied from interface: KnnCollector
      Collect the provided docId and include in the result set.
      Specified by:
      collect in interface KnnCollector
      docId - of the vector to collect
      similarity - its calculated similarity
      true if the vector is collected
    • minCompetitiveSimilarity

      public float minCompetitiveSimilarity()
      Description copied from interface: KnnCollector
      This method is utilized during search to ensure only competitive results are explored.

      Consequently, if this results collector wants to collect `k` results, this should return Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY when not full.

      When full, the minimum score should be returned.

      Specified by:
      minCompetitiveSimilarity in interface KnnCollector
      the current minimum competitive similarity in the collection
    • topDocs

      public TopDocs topDocs()
      Description copied from interface: KnnCollector
      This drains the collected nearest kNN results and returns them in a new TopDocs collection, ordered by score descending. NOTE: This is generally a destructive action and the collector should not be used after topDocs() is called.
      Specified by:
      topDocs in interface KnnCollector
      The collected top documents
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object