All Classes and Interfaces

Default ICUTokenizerConfig that is generally applicable to many languages.
Extension of CharTermAttributeImpl that encodes the term text as a binary Unicode collation key instead of as UTF-8 bytes.
Converts each token into its CollationKey, and then encodes bytes as an index term.
Indexes collation keys as a single-valued SortedDocValuesField.
A TokenFilter that applies search term folding to Unicode text, applying foldings from UTR#30 Character Foldings.
Factory for ICUFoldingFilter.
Normalize token text with ICU's Normalizer2.
Normalize token text with ICU's Normalizer2
Breaks text into words according to UAX #29: Unicode Text Segmentation (
Class that allows for tailored Unicode Text Segmentation on a per-writing system basis.
Factory for ICUTokenizer.
A TokenFilter that transforms text with ICU.
Factory for ICUTransformFilter.
This attribute stores the UTR #24 script value for a token of text.
Implementation of ScriptAttribute that stores the script as an integer.