All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AnalysisOffsetStrategy |
Provides a base class for analysis based offset strategies to extend from.
BaseFragListBuilder |
BaseFragmentsBuilder |
Base FragmentsBuilder implementation that supports colored pre/post tags and multivalued fields.
BoundaryScanner |
BreakIteratorBoundaryScanner |
BreakIteratorShrinkingAdjuster |
CharArrayMatcher |
Matches a character array
CustomSeparatorBreakIterator |
A BreakIterator that breaks the text whenever a certain separator, provided as a
constructor argument, is found.
DefaultEncoder |
Simple Encoder implementation that does not modify the output
DefaultPassageFormatter |
Creates a formatted snippet from the top passages.
Encoder |
Encodes original text.
FastVectorHighlighter |
Another highlighter implementation.
FieldFragList |
FieldFragList has a list of "frag info" that is used by FragmentsBuilder class to create
fragments (snippets).
FieldFragList.WeightedFragInfo |
List of term offsets + weight for a frag info
FieldFragList.WeightedFragInfo.SubInfo |
Represents the list of term offsets for some text
FieldHighlighter |
Internal highlighter abstraction that operates on a per field basis.
FieldOffsetStrategy |
Ultimately returns an OffsetsEnum yielding potentially highlightable words in the text.
FieldPhraseList |
FieldPhraseList has a list of WeightedPhraseInfo that is used by FragListBuilder to create a
FieldFragList object.
FieldPhraseList.WeightedPhraseInfo |
Represents the list of term offsets and boost for some text
FieldPhraseList.WeightedPhraseInfo.Toffs |
Term offsets (start + end)
FieldQuery |
FieldQuery breaks down query object into terms/phrases and keeps them in a QueryPhraseMap
FieldQuery.QueryPhraseMap |
Internal structure of a query for highlighting: represents a nested query structure
FieldTermStack |
FieldTermStack is a stack that keeps query terms in the specified field of the
document to be highlighted.
FieldTermStack.TermInfo |
Single term with its position/offsets in the document and IDF weight.
FieldValueHighlighters |
Formatter |
Processes terms found in the original text, typically by applying some form of mark-up to
highlight terms in HTML search results pages.
FragListBuilder |
FragListBuilder is an interface for FieldFragList builder classes.
Fragmenter |
Implements the policy for breaking text into multiple fragments for consideration by the Highlighter class.
FragmentsBuilder |
GradientFormatter |
Formats text with different color intensity depending on the score of the term.
Highlighter |
InvalidTokenOffsetsException |
Exception thrown if TokenStream Tokens are incompatible with provided text
LabelledCharArrayMatcher |
Associates a label with a CharArrayMatcher to distinguish different sources for terms in
LengthGoalBreakIterator |
Wraps another BreakIterator to skip past breaks that would result in passages that are
too short.
MatchHighlighter |
An example highlighter that combines several lower-level highlighting utilities in this package
into a fully featured, ready-to-use component.
MatchHighlighter.DocHighlights |
Single document's highlights.
MatchHighlighter.FieldValueHighlighter |
Actual per-field highlighter.
MatchHighlighter.QueryOffsetRange |
An OffsetRange of a match, together with the source query that caused it.
MatchRegionRetriever |
Utility class to compute a list of "match regions" for a given query, searcher and document(s)
using Matches API.
MatchRegionRetriever.FieldValueProvider |
An abstraction that provides document values for a given field.
MatchRegionRetriever.MatchOffsetsConsumer |
A callback for accepting a single document (and its associated leaf reader, leaf document ID)
and its match offset ranges, as indicated by the Matches interface retrieved for the
MemoryIndexOffsetStrategy |
NoOpOffsetStrategy |
Never returns offsets.
NullFragmenter |
Fragmenter implementation which does not fragment the text.
OffsetLimitTokenFilter |
This TokenFilter limits the number of tokens while indexing by adding up the current offset.
OffsetRange |
A non-empty range of offset positions.
OffsetsEnum |
OffsetsEnum.MultiOffsetsEnum |
A view over several OffsetsEnum instances, merging them in-place
OffsetsEnum.OfMatchesIterator |
OffsetsEnum.OfMatchesIteratorWithSubs |
OffsetsEnum.OfPostings |
OffsetsFromMatchIterator |
OffsetsFromPositions |
This strategy applies to fields with stored positions but no offsets.
OffsetsFromTokens |
This strategy works for fields where we know the match occurred but there are no known positions
or offsets.
OffsetsFromValues |
This strategy works for fields where we know the match occurred but there are no known positions
or offsets.
OffsetsRetrievalStrategy |
OffsetsRetrievalStrategySupplier |
OverlaySingleDocTermsLeafReader |
Overlays a 2nd LeafReader for the terms of one field, otherwise the primary reader is consulted.
Passage |
A passage is a fragment of source text, scored and possibly with a list of sub-offsets (markers)
to be highlighted.
Passage |
Represents a passage (typically a sentence of the document).
PassageAdjuster |
Adjusts the range of one or more passages over a given value.
PassageFormatter |
Formats a collection of passages over a given string, cleaning up and
resolving restrictions concerning overlaps, allowed sub-ranges over the input string and length
PassageFormatter |
Creates a formatted snippet from the top passages.
PassageScorer |
PassageSelector |
Selects fragments of text that score best for the given set of highlight markers.
PhraseHelper |
PositionSpan |
Utility class to record Positions Spans
PostingsOffsetStrategy |
PostingsWithTermVectorsOffsetStrategy |
QueryScorer |
Scorer implementation which scores text fragments by the number of unique query terms
QueryTermExtractor |
Utility class used to extract the terms used in a query, plus any weights.
QueryTermScorer |
Scorer implementation which scores text fragments by the number of unique query terms
ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder |
An implementation of FragmentsBuilder that outputs score-order fragments.
ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder.ScoreComparator |
Scorer |
A Scorer is responsible for scoring a stream of tokens.
SimpleBoundaryScanner |
Simple boundary scanner implementation that divides fragments based on a set of separator
SimpleFieldFragList |
SimpleFragListBuilder |
SimpleFragmenter |
Fragmenter implementation which breaks text up into same-size fragments with no concerns
over spotting sentence boundaries.
SimpleFragmentsBuilder |
A simple implementation of FragmentsBuilder.
SimpleHTMLEncoder |
Simple Encoder implementation to escape text for HTML output
SimpleHTMLFormatter |
Simple Formatter implementation to highlight terms with a pre and post tag.
SimpleSpanFragmenter |
Fragmenter implementation which breaks text up into same-size fragments but does not
split up Spans .
SingleFragListBuilder |
SpanGradientFormatter |
Formats text with different color intensity depending on the score of the term using the span
SplittingBreakIterator |
Virtually slices the text on both sides of every occurrence of the specified character.
TermVectorLeafReader |
Wraps a Terms with a LeafReader , typically from term vectors.
TermVectorOffsetStrategy |
Uses term vectors that contain offsets.
TextFragment |
Low-level class used to record information about a section of a document with a score.
TokenGroup |
One, or several overlapping tokens, along with the score(s) and the scope of the original text.
TokenSources |
Convenience methods for obtaining a TokenStream for use with the Highlighter -
can obtain from term vectors with offsets and positions or from an Analyzer re-parsing the stored
TokenStreamFromTermVector |
TokenStream created from a term vector field.
TokenStreamOffsetStrategy |
Analyzes the text, producing a single OffsetsEnum wrapping the TokenStream
filtered to terms in the query, including wildcards.
UHComponents |
UnifiedHighlighter |
UnifiedHighlighter.Builder |
Builder for UnifiedHighlighter.
UnifiedHighlighter.HighlightFlag |
Flags for controlling highlighting behavior.
UnifiedHighlighter.LimitedStoredFieldVisitor |
Fetches stored fields for highlighting.
UnifiedHighlighter.OffsetSource |
Source of term offsets; essential for highlighting.
WeightedFieldFragList |
WeightedFragListBuilder |
WeightedSpanTerm |
Lightweight class to hold term, weight, and positions used for scoring this term.
WeightedSpanTermExtractor |
WeightedSpanTermExtractor.PositionCheckingMap<K> |
This class makes sure that if both position sensitive and insensitive versions of the same term
are added, the position insensitive one wins.
WeightedTerm |
Lightweight class to hold term and a weight value used for scoring this term
WholeBreakIterator |
Just produces one single fragment for the entire text