Weight |
BooleanQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
BoostQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
ConstantScoreQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
DisjunctionMaxQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Create the Weight used to score us
Weight |
FieldExistsQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
IndexOrDocValuesQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
IndexSortSortedNumericDocValuesRangeQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
IndriAndQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
abstract Weight |
IndriQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
MatchAllDocsQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
MatchNoDocsQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
MultiPhraseQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
PhraseQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
PointInSetQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
PointRangeQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
Query.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Expert: Constructs an appropriate Weight implementation for this query.
Weight |
SynonymQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
Weight |
TermQuery.createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,
ScoreMode scoreMode,
float boost) |
protected void |
SearcherManager.decRef(IndexSearcher reference) |
boolean |
SearcherLifetimeManager.PruneByAge.doPrune(double ageSec,
IndexSearcher searcher) |
boolean |
SearcherLifetimeManager.Pruner.doPrune(double ageSec,
IndexSearcher searcher) |
Return true if this searcher should be removed.
Explanation |
QueryRescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID) |
abstract Explanation |
Rescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID) |
Explains how the score for the specified document was computed.
Explanation |
SortRescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID) |
protected int |
SearcherManager.getRefCount(IndexSearcher reference) |
protected abstract Similarity.SimScorer |
PhraseWeight.getStats(IndexSearcher searcher) |
static void |
TopFieldCollector.populateScores(ScoreDoc[] topDocs,
IndexSearcher searcher,
Query query) |
Populate scores of the given topDocs .
long |
SearcherLifetimeManager.record(IndexSearcher searcher) |
Records that you are now using this IndexSearcher.
protected IndexSearcher |
SearcherManager.refreshIfNeeded(IndexSearcher referenceToRefresh) |
void |
SearcherLifetimeManager.release(IndexSearcher s) |
TopDocs |
QueryRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN) |
static TopDocs |
QueryRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs topDocs,
Query query,
double weight,
int topN) |
Sugar API, calling {#rescore} using a simple linear combination of firstPassScore + weight *
abstract TopDocs |
Rescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN) |
Rescore an initial first-pass TopDocs .
TopDocs |
SortRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN) |
Query |
BlendedTermQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
BooleanQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
BoostQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
ConstantScoreQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
DisjunctionMaxQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Optimize our representation and our subqueries representations
abstract DoubleValuesSource |
DoubleValuesSource.rewrite(IndexSearcher reader) |
Return a DoubleValuesSource specialised for the given IndexSearcher
Query |
FieldExistsQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
IndexOrDocValuesQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
IndexSortSortedNumericDocValuesRangeQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
LongValuesSource |
LongValuesSource.ConstantLongValuesSource.rewrite(IndexSearcher searcher) |
abstract LongValuesSource |
LongValuesSource.rewrite(IndexSearcher searcher) |
Return a LongValuesSource specialised for the given IndexSearcher
Query |
MultiPhraseQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
MultiTermQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
NGramPhraseQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
PhraseQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Query |
Query.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
Sort |
Sort.rewrite(IndexSearcher searcher) |
Rewrites the SortFields in this Sort, returning a new Sort if any of the fields changes during
their rewriting.
SortField |
SortField.rewrite(IndexSearcher searcher) |
Rewrites this SortField, returning a new SortField if a change is made.
Query |
SynonymQuery.rewrite(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) |
protected boolean |
SearcherManager.tryIncRef(IndexSearcher reference) |