Class FilterScorer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class FilterScorer
    extends Scorer
    implements Unwrappable<Scorer>
    A FilterScorer contains another Scorer, which it uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality. The class FilterScorer itself simply implements all abstract methods of Scorer with versions that pass all requests to the contained scorer. Subclasses of FilterScorer may further override some of these methods and may also provide additional methods and fields.
    • Field Detail

      • in

        protected final Scorer in
    • Constructor Detail

      • FilterScorer

        public FilterScorer​(Scorer in)
        Create a new FilterScorer
        in - the Scorer to wrap
      • FilterScorer

        public FilterScorer​(Scorer in,
                            Weight weight)
        Create a new FilterScorer with a specific weight
        in - the Scorer to wrap
        weight - a Weight
    • Method Detail

      • docID

        public final int docID()
        Description copied from class: Scorable
        Returns the doc ID that is currently being scored.
        Specified by:
        docID in class Scorable
      • iterator

        public final DocIdSetIterator iterator()
        Description copied from class: Scorer
        Return a DocIdSetIterator over matching documents.

        The returned iterator will either be positioned on -1 if no documents have been scored yet, DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS if all documents have been scored already, or the last document id that has been scored otherwise.

        The returned iterator is a view: calling this method several times will return iterators that have the same state.

        Specified by:
        iterator in class Scorer
      • twoPhaseIterator

        public final TwoPhaseIterator twoPhaseIterator()
        Description copied from class: Scorer
        Optional method: Return a TwoPhaseIterator view of this Scorer. A return value of null indicates that two-phase iteration is not supported.

        Note that the returned TwoPhaseIterator's approximation must advance synchronously with the Scorer.iterator(): advancing the approximation must advance the iterator and vice-versa.

        Implementing this method is typically useful on Scorers that have a high per-document overhead in order to confirm matches.

        The default implementation returns null.

        twoPhaseIterator in class Scorer