Class BulkScorer

    • Constructor Detail

      • BulkScorer

        public BulkScorer()
    • Method Detail

      • score

        public void score​(LeafCollector collector,
                          Bits acceptDocs)
                   throws IOException
        Scores and collects all matching documents.
        collector - The collector to which all matching documents are passed.
        acceptDocs - Bits that represents the allowed documents to match, or null if they are all allowed to match.
      • score

        public abstract int score​(LeafCollector collector,
                                  Bits acceptDocs,
                                  int min,
                                  int max)
                           throws IOException
        Collects matching documents in a range and return an estimation of the next matching document which is on or after max.

        The return value must be:

        min is the minimum document to be considered for matching. All documents strictly before this value must be ignored.

        Although max would be a legal return value for this method, higher values might help callers skip more efficiently over non-matching portions of the docID space.

        For instance, a Scorer-based implementation could look like below:

         private final Scorer scorer; // set via constructor
         public int score(LeafCollector collector, Bits acceptDocs, int min, int max) throws IOException {
           int doc = scorer.docID();
           if (doc < min) {
             doc = scorer.advance(min);
           while (doc < max) {
             if (acceptDocs == null || acceptDocs.get(doc)) {
             doc = scorer.nextDoc();
           return doc;
        collector - The collector to which all matching documents are passed.
        acceptDocs - Bits that represents the allowed documents to match, or null if they are all allowed to match.
        min - Score starting at, including, this document
        max - Score up to, but not including, this doc
        an under-estimation of the next matching doc after max