Uses of Class
Packages that use TermStates Package Description org.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access Code to search indices. -
Uses of TermStates in org.apache.lucene.index
Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return TermStates Modifier and Type Method Description static TermStates
TermStates. build(IndexSearcher indexSearcher, Term term, boolean needsStats)
Uses of TermStates in
Methods in that return TermStates Modifier and Type Method Description TermStates
TermQuery. getTermStates()
Returns theTermStates
passed to the constructor, or null if it was not passed.Methods in with parameters of type TermStates Modifier and Type Method Description BlendedTermQuery.Builder
BlendedTermQuery.Builder. add(Term term, float boost, TermStates context)
Expert: Add aTerm
with the provided boost and context.protected void
MultiTermQuery.TopTermsBlendedFreqScoringRewrite. addClause(BlendedTermQuery.Builder topLevel, Term term, int docCount, float boost, TermStates states)
protected void
MultiTermQuery.TopTermsBoostOnlyBooleanQueryRewrite. addClause(BooleanQuery.Builder topLevel, Term term, int docFreq, float boost, TermStates states)
protected void
MultiTermQuery.TopTermsScoringBooleanQueryRewrite. addClause(BooleanQuery.Builder topLevel, Term term, int docCount, float boost, TermStates states)
Constructors in with parameters of type TermStates Constructor Description TermQuery(Term t, TermStates states)
Expert: constructs a TermQuery that will use the provided docFreq instead of looking up the docFreq against the searcher.