Class ShapeDocValuesField

    • Field Detail

      • shapeDocValues

        protected final org.apache.lucene.document.ShapeDocValues shapeDocValues
        the binary doc value format for this field
      • FIELD_TYPE

        protected static final FieldType FIELD_TYPE
        FieldType for ShapeDocValues field
    • Method Detail

      • tokenStream

        public TokenStream tokenStream​(Analyzer analyzer,
                                       TokenStream reuse)
        TokenStreams are not yet supported
        Specified by:
        tokenStream in interface IndexableField
        tokenStream in class Field
        analyzer - Analyzer that should be used to create the TokenStreams from
        reuse - TokenStream for a previous instance of this field name. This allows custom field types (like StringField and NumericField) that do not use the analyzer to still have good performance. Note: the passed-in type may be inappropriate, for example if you mix up different types of Fields for the same field name. So it's the responsibility of the implementation to check.
        TokenStream value for indexing the document. Should always return a non-null value if the field is to be indexed
      • numberOfTerms

        public int numberOfTerms()
        Returns the number of terms (tessellated triangles) for this shape
      • getCentroid

        public abstract Geometry getCentroid()
        retrieves the centroid location for the geometry
      • getBoundingBox

        public abstract Geometry getBoundingBox()
        retrieves the bounding box for the geometry
      • getHighestDimensionType

        public ShapeField.DecodedTriangle.TYPE getHighestDimensionType()
        Retrieves the highest dimensional type (POINT, LINE, TRIANGLE) for computing the geometry(s) centroid
      • decodeX

        protected abstract double decodeX​(int encoded)
        decodes x coordinates from encoded space
      • decodeY

        protected abstract double decodeY​(int encoded)
        decodes y coordinates from encoded space