Class DoubleRange

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DoubleRange
    extends Field
    An indexed Double Range field.

    This field indexes dimensional ranges defined as min/max pairs. It supports up to a maximum of 4 dimensions (indexed as 8 numeric values). With 1 dimension representing a single double range, 2 dimensions representing a bounding box, 3 dimensions a bounding cube, and 4 dimensions a tesseract.

    Multiple values for the same field in one document is supported, and open ended ranges can be defined using Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.

    This field defines the following static factory methods for common search operations over double ranges:

    • Field Detail

      • BYTES

        public static final int BYTES
        stores double values so number of bytes is 8
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DoubleRange

        public DoubleRange​(String name,
                           double[] min,
                           double[] max)
        Create a new DoubleRange type, from min/max parallel arrays
        name - field name. must not be null.
        min - range min values; each entry is the min value for the dimension
        max - range max values; each entry is the max value for the dimension
    • Method Detail

      • setRangeValues

        public void setRangeValues​(double[] min,
                                   double[] max)
        Changes the values of the field.
        min - array of min values. (accepts Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
        max - array of max values. (accepts Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
        IllegalArgumentException - if min or max is invalid
      • verifyAndEncode

        public static void verifyAndEncode​(double[] min,
                                           double[] max,
                                           byte[] bytes)
        encode the ranges into a sortable byte array (Double.NaN not allowed)

        example for 4 dimensions (8 bytes per dimension value): minD1 ... minD4 | maxD1 ... maxD4

      • getMin

        public double getMin​(int dimension)
        Get the min value for the given dimension
        dimension - the dimension, always positive
        the decoded min value
      • getMax

        public double getMax​(int dimension)
        Get the max value for the given dimension
        dimension - the dimension, always positive
        the decoded max value
      • newIntersectsQuery

        public static Query newIntersectsQuery​(String field,
                                               double[] min,
                                               double[] max)
        Create a query for matching indexed ranges that intersect the defined range.
        field - field name. must not be null.
        min - array of min values. (accepts Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
        max - array of max values. (accepts Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
        query for matching intersecting ranges (overlap, within, or contains)
        IllegalArgumentException - if field is null, min or max is invalid
      • newContainsQuery

        public static Query newContainsQuery​(String field,
                                             double[] min,
                                             double[] max)
        Create a query for matching indexed ranges that contain the defined range.
        field - field name. must not be null.
        min - array of min values. (accepts Double.MIN_VALUE)
        max - array of max values. (accepts Double.MAX_VALUE)
        query for matching ranges that contain the defined range
        IllegalArgumentException - if field is null, min or max is invalid
      • newWithinQuery

        public static Query newWithinQuery​(String field,
                                           double[] min,
                                           double[] max)
        Create a query for matching indexed ranges that are within the defined range.
        field - field name. must not be null.
        min - array of min values. (accepts Double.MIN_VALUE)
        max - array of max values. (accepts Double.MAX_VALUE)
        query for matching ranges within the defined range
        IllegalArgumentException - if field is null, min or max is invalid
      • newCrossesQuery

        public static Query newCrossesQuery​(String field,
                                            double[] min,
                                            double[] max)
        Create a query for matching indexed ranges that cross the defined range. A CROSSES is defined as any set of ranges that are not disjoint and not wholly contained by the query. Effectively, its the complement of union(WITHIN, DISJOINT).
        field - field name. must not be null.
        min - array of min values. (accepts Double.MIN_VALUE)
        max - array of max values. (accepts Double.MAX_VALUE)
        query for matching ranges within the defined range
        IllegalArgumentException - if field is null, min or max is invalid
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from class: Field
        Prints a Field for human consumption.
        toString in class Field