Class TaxonomyFacetLabels.FacetLabelReader

  • Enclosing class:

    public class TaxonomyFacetLabels.FacetLabelReader
    extends Object
    Utility class to retrieve facet labels for multiple documents.
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Method Detail

      • nextFacetLabel

        public FacetLabel nextFacetLabel​(int docId)
                                  throws IOException
        Retrieves the next FacetLabel for the specified docId, or null if there are no more. This method has state: if the provided docId is the same as the previous invocation, it returns the next FacetLabel for that document. Otherwise, it advances to the new docId and provides the first FacetLabel for that document, or null if that document has no indexed facets. Each new docId must be in strictly monotonic (increasing) order.

        NOTE: The returned FacetLabels may not be in the same order in which they were indexed

        docId - input docId provided in monotonic (non-decreasing) order
        the first or next FacetLabel, or null if there are no more
        IOException - when a low-level IO issue occurs
        IllegalArgumentException - if docId provided is less than docId supplied in an earlier invocation
      • nextFacetLabel

        public FacetLabel nextFacetLabel​(int docId,
                                         String facetDimension)
                                  throws IOException
        Retrieves the next FacetLabel for the specified docId under the requested facetDimension, or null if there are no more. This method has state: if the provided docId is the same as the previous invocation, it returns the next FacetLabel for that document. Otherwise, it advances to the new docId and provides the first FacetLabel for that document, or null if that document has no indexed facets. Each new docId must be in strictly monotonic (increasing) order.

        NOTE: This method loads the int[] parents array from the taxonomy index. The returned FacetLabels may not be in the same order in which they were indexed.

        docId - input docId provided in non-decreasing order
        the first or next FacetLabel, or null if there are no more
        IOException - if TaxonomyReader has problems getting path for an ordinal
        IllegalArgumentException - if docId provided is less than docId supplied in an earlier invocation
        IllegalArgumentException - if facetDimension is null