Class ScoreCachingWrappingScorer

  • public final class ScoreCachingWrappingScorer
    extends Scorable
    A Scorer which wraps another scorer and caches the score of the current document. Successive calls to score() will return the same result and will not invoke the wrapped Scorer's score() method, unless the current document has changed.
    This class might be useful due to the changes done to the Collector interface, in which the score is not computed for a document by default, only if the collector requests it. Some collectors may need to use the score in several places, however all they have in hand is a Scorer object, and might end up computing the score of a document more than once.
    • Method Detail

      • wrap

        public static Scorable wrap​(Scorable scorer)
        Wraps the provided Scorable unless it's already an instance of ScoreCachingWrappingScorer, in which case it will just return the provided instance.
        scorer - Underlying Scorable to wrap
        Instance of ScoreCachingWrappingScorer wrapping the underlying scorer
      • setMinCompetitiveScore

        public void setMinCompetitiveScore​(float minScore)
                                    throws IOException
        Description copied from class: Scorable
        Optional method: Tell the scorer that its iterator may safely ignore all documents whose score is less than the given minScore. This is a no-op by default.

        This method may only be called from collectors that use ScoreMode.TOP_SCORES, and successive calls may only set increasing values of minScore.

        setMinCompetitiveScore in class Scorable
      • docID

        public int docID()
        Description copied from class: Scorable
        Returns the doc ID that is currently being scored.
        Specified by:
        docID in class Scorable