Class Optimizer2

  • public class Optimizer2
    extends Optimizer
    The Optimizer class is a Trie that will be reduced (have empty rows removed).

    This is the result of allowing a joining of rows when there is no collision between non-null values in the rows. Information loss, resulting in the stemmer not being able to recognize words (as in Optimizer), is curtailed, allowing the stemmer to recognize words for which the original trie was built. Use of this class allows the stemmer to be self-teaching.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Optimizer2

        public Optimizer2()
        Constructor for the Optimizer2 object.
    • Method Detail

      • merge

        public org.egothor.stemmer.Cell merge​(org.egothor.stemmer.Cell m,
                                              org.egothor.stemmer.Cell e)
        Merge the given Cells and return the resulting Cell.
        merge in class Optimizer
        m - the master Cell
        e - the existing Cell
        the resulting Cell, or null if the operation cannot be realized