Class Gener

  • public class Gener
    extends Reduce
    The Gener object helps in the discarding of nodes which break the reduction effort and defend the structure against large reductions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Gener

        public Gener()
        Constructor for the Gener object.
    • Method Detail

      • optimize

        public Trie optimize​(Trie orig)
        Return a Trie with infrequent values occurring in the given Trie removed.
        optimize in class Reduce
        orig - the Trie to optimize
        a new optimized Trie
      • eat

        public boolean eat​(Row in,
                           int[] remap)
        Test whether the given Row of Cells in a Trie should be included in an optimized Trie.
        in - the Row to test
        remap - Description of the Parameter
        true if the Row should remain, false otherwise