All Classes and Interfaces

Analyzes the input text and then suggests matches based on prefix matches to any tokens in the indexed text.
Suggester that first analyzes the surface form, adds the analyzed form to a weighted FST, and then does the same thing at lookup time.
A producer of Bits per segment.
Extension of the AnalyzingInfixSuggester which transforms the weight after search to take into account the position of the searched term into the indexed text.
The different types of blender.
This wrapper buffers incoming elements.
Collects BytesRef and then allows one to iterate over their sorted order.
A suggestion generated by combining one or more original query terms
CompletionPostingsFormat for org.apache.lucene.backward_codecs.lucene50.Lucene50PostingsFormat.
CompletionPostingsFormat for org.apache.lucene.backward_codecs.lucene84.Lucene84PostingsFormat.
CompletionPostingsFormat for org.apache.lucene.backward_codecs.lucene90.Lucene90PostingsFormat.
CompletionPostingsFormat for org.apache.lucene.backward_codecs.lucene99.Lucene99PostingsFormat.
Wraps an Analyzer to provide additional completion-only tuning (e.g.
A PostingsFormat which supports document suggestion based on indexed SuggestFields.
An enum that allows to control if suggester FSTs are loaded into memory or read off-heap
Abstract Query that match documents containing terms with a specified prefix filtered by BitsProducer.
Expert: Responsible for executing the query against an appropriate suggester and collecting the results via a collector.
Holder for suggester and field-level info for a suggest field
Wrapped Terms used by SuggestField and ContextSuggestField to access corresponding suggester and their attributes
A ConcatenateGraphFilter but we can set the payload and provide access to config options.
Expert: the Weight for CompletionQuery, used to score and explain these queries.
A CompletionQuery that matches documents specified by a wrapped CompletionQuery supporting boosting and/or filtering by specified contexts.
SuggestField which additionally takes in a set of contexts.
A simple interface representing a Dictionary.
Simple automaton-based spellchecker.
Holds a spelling correction for internal usage inside DirectSpellChecker.
Dictionary with terms, weights, payload (optional) and contexts (optional) information taken from stored/indexed fields in a Lucene index.
Dictionary with terms and optionally payload and optionally contexts information taken from stored fields in a Lucene index.
An implementation of a BytesRefSorter that allows appending BytesRefs to an OfflineSorter and returns a Closeable ExternalRefSorter.ByteSequenceIterator that iterates over sequences stored on disk.
Iterates over BytesRefs in a file, closes the reader when the iterator is exhausted.
Dictionary represented by a text file.
Builds an ngram model from the text sent to and predicts based on the last grams-1 tokens in the request sent to FreeTextSuggester.lookup(java.lang.CharSequence, boolean, int).
Finite state automata based implementation of "autocomplete" functionality.
A single completion for a given key.
Finite state automata based implementation of "autocomplete" functionality.
An adapter from Lookup API to FSTCompletion.
Exposes a utility method to enumerate all paths intersecting an Automaton with an FST.
Holds a pair (automaton, fst) of states and accumulated output in the intersected machine.
A CompletionQuery that match documents containing terms within an edit distance of the specified prefix.
Implements a fuzzy AnalyzingSuggester.
HighFrequencyDictionary: terms taken from the given field of a Lucene index, which appear in a number of documents above a given threshold.
An BytesRefSorter that keeps all the entries in memory.
Interface for enumerating term,weight,payload triples for suggester consumption; currently only AnalyzingSuggester, FuzzySuggester and AnalyzingInfixSuggester support payloads.
Wraps a BytesRefIterator as a suggester InputIterator, with all weights set to 1 and carries no payload
Similarity measure for short strings such as person names.
Levenshtein edit distance class.
Simple Lookup interface for CharSequence suggestions.
A PriorityQueue collecting a fixed size of high priority Lookup.LookupResult
Result of a lookup.
Lucene Dictionary: terms taken from the given field of a Lucene index.
Damerau-Levenshtein (optimal string alignment) implemented in a consistent way as Lucene's FuzzyTermsEnum with the transpositions option enabled.
N-Gram version of edit distance based on paper by Grzegorz Kondrak, "N-gram similarity and distance".
NRTSuggester executes Top N search on a weighted FST specified by a CompletionScorer
Dictionary represented by a text file.
A CompletionQuery which takes an Analyzer to analyze the prefix of the query term.
A CompletionQuery which takes a regular expression as the prefix of the query term.
This wrapper buffers incoming elements and makes sure they are sorted based on given comparator.
Spell Checker class (Main class).
(initially inspired by the David Spencer code).
Interface for string distances.
Field that indexes a string value and a weight as a weighted completion against a named suggester.
Adds document suggest capabilities to IndexSearcher.
Set of strategies for suggesting related terms
Like StopFilter except it will not remove the last token if that token was not followed by some token separator.
Factory for SuggestStopFilter.
SuggestWord, used in suggestSimilar method in SpellChecker class.
Frequency first, then score.
Sorts SuggestWord instances
Score first, then frequency
The class creates a TST node.
TopDocs wrapper with an additional CharSequence key per ScoreDoc
ScoreDoc with an additional CharSequence key
Collector that collects completion and score, along with document id
Ternary Search Trie implementation.
Suggest implementation based on a Ternary Search Tree
This wrapper buffers the incoming elements and makes sure they are in random order.
Suggester based on a weighted FST: it first traverses the prefix, then walks the n shortest paths to retrieve top-ranked suggestions.
A spell checker whose sole function is to offer suggestions by combining multiple terms into one word and/or breaking terms into multiple words.
Determines the order to list word break suggestions