All Packages

Package Summary
Experimental classes for interacting with payloads
A primary-key postings format that associates a version (long) with each term and can provide fail-fast lookups by ID and version.
This package implements KMeans algorithm for clustering vectors
This package contains several point types: BigIntegerPoint for 128-bit integers LatLonPoint for latitude/longitude geospatial points
Sandbox faceting - Collectors that compute facets.
Sandbox faceting: facet cutters, see FacetCutter for details.
Sandbox faceting: Range Faceting
Sandbox faceting: facet ordinals.
Sandbox faceting: facet labels, see OrdToLabel for details.
Sandbox faceting: classes that can record per ordinal data E.g.
Experimental index-related classes
Additional queries (some may have caveats or limitations)
This package contains a flexible graph-based proximity query, TermAutomatonQuery, and geospatial queries.