All Classes and Interfaces

An indexed 128-bit BigInteger field.
OrdinalIterator that filters out ordinals from delegate if they are not in the candidate set.
A Query that treats multiple fields as a single stream and scores terms as if you had indexed them as a single term in a single field.
A builder for CombinedFieldQuery.
Generates Comparable for provided ordinal.
Collection of static methods to provide most common comparables for sandbox faceting.
FacetRecorder to count facets.
A Query that allows to have a configurable number or required matches per document.
Builder for multi range queries for DoublePoints
FacetCutter for ranges of double values.
Creates LeafFacetCutter for each leaf.
Collector that brings together FacetCutter and FacetRecorder to compute facets during collection phase.
Collector manager for FacetFieldCollector.
Record data for each facet of each doc.
Builder for multi range queries for FloatPoints
KNN search on top of N dimensional indexed float points.
Fuzzifies ALL terms provided as strings and then picks the best n differentiating terms.
An indexed half-float field for fast range filters.
A PostingsFormat optimized for primary-key (ID) fields that also record a version (long) for each ID, delivered as a payload created by IDVersionPostingsFormat.longToBytes(long, org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef) during indexing.
Iterates through terms in this field; this class is public so users can cast it to call IDVersionSegmentTermsEnum.seekExact(BytesRef, long) for optimistic-concurrency, and also IDVersionSegmentTermsEnum.getVersion() to get the version of the currently seek'd term.
Builder for multi range queries for IntPoints
KMeans clustering algorithm for vectors
Kmeans initialization methods
Results of KMeans clustering
Label to ord mapping interface.
Optimized collector for large number of hits.
An indexed 2-Dimension Bounding Box field for the Geospatial Lat/Lon Coordinate system
Interface to be implemented to cut documents into facets for an index segment (leaf).
Record data for each facet of each doc of a leaf (segment).
FacetRecorder that computes multiple long aggregations per facet.
Builder for multi range queries for LongPoints
FacetCutter for ranges of long values.
FacetCutter and OrdToLabel for distinct long values.
A simple extension to wrap MergePolicy to merge all tiny segments (or at least segments smaller than specified in MergeOnFlushMergePolicy.setSmallSegmentThresholdMB(double) into one segment on commit.
FacetRecorder that contains multiple FacetRecorders.
Abstract class for range queries involving multiple ranges against physical points such as IntPoints All ranges are logically ORed together
A builder for multirange queries.
Representation of a single clause in a MultiRangeQuery
Iterate over ordinals.
Ordinal to label mapping interface.
SpanCollector for collecting payloads
Experimental class to get set of payloads for most standard Lucene queries.
A generalized version of PhraseQuery, built with one or more MultiTermQuery that provides term expansions for multi-terms (one of the expanded terms must match).
Phrase term with expansions.
All PhraseWildcardQuery.PhraseTerm are light and immutable.
Phrase term with no expansion.
Holds a pair of term bytes - term state.
Holds the TermState for all the collected Term, for a specific phrase term, for all segments.
Holds the TermState and TermStatistics for all the matched and collected Term, for all phrase terms, for all segments.
Accumulates the doc freq and total term freq.
Test counters incremented when assertions are enabled.
This class wraps a Collector and times the execution of: - setScorer() - collect() - doSetNextReader() - needsScores()
Collector manager for ProfilerCollector
Public class for profiled timings of the Collectors used in the search.
An extension of IndexSearcher that records profile information for all queries it executes.
This class is the internal representation of a profiled Query, corresponding to a single node in the query tree.
This enum breaks down the query into different sections to describe what was timed.
OrdToLabel for ranges.
Reducer for numeric values.
A reader of vector values that samples a subset of the vectors.
Facets results selector to get children for selected parent.
FacetCutter for facets that use taxonomy side-car index.
Map taxonomy labels to ordinals.
A proximity query that lets you express an automaton, whose transitions are terms, to match documents.
Consumes a TokenStream and creates an TermAutomatonQuery where the transition labels are tokens from the TermToBytesRefAttribute.
Class that consumes incoming ordinals, sorts them by provided Comparable, and returns first top N ordinals only.
This is just like Lucene90BlockTreeTermsWriter, except it also stores a version per term, and adds a method to its TermsEnum implementation to seekExact only if the version is >= the specified version.