All Classes and Interfaces

Calculate the final score as the average score of all payloads seen.
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving boolean values.
Abstract parent class for those ValueSource implementations which apply boolean logic to their values
An implementation for retrieving FunctionValues instances for byte knn vectors fields.
An implementation for retrieving FunctionValues instances for string based fields.
ByteVectorSimilarityFunction returns a similarity function between two knn vectors with byte elements.
A query that executes high-frequency terms in a optional sub-query to prevent slow queries due to "common" terms like stopwords.
Base class for comparison operators useful within an "if"/conditional.
Function that returns a constant byte vector value for every document.
Function that returns a constant float vector value for every document.
ConstNumberSource is the base class for all constant numbers
ConstValueSource returns a constant for all documents
ValueSource implementation which only returns the values from the provided ValueSources which are available for a particular docId.
Function to divide "a" by "b"
DocFreqValueSource returns the number of documents containing the term.
Serves as base class for FunctionValues based on DocTermsIndex.
Custom Exception to be thrown when the DocTermsIndex for a field cannot be generated
Function that returns a constant double value for every document.
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving double values.
Obtains double field values from LeafReader.getNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
Abstract ValueSource implementation which wraps two ValueSources and applies an extendible float function to their values.
Obtains int field values from LeafReader.getNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
A base class for ValueSource implementations that retrieve values for a single field from DocValues.
Wrapper to allow SpanQuery objects participate in composite single-field SpanQueries by 'lying' about their search field.
An IntervalsSource that filters the intervals from another IntervalsSource
A Spans implementation wrapping another spans instance, allowing to filter spans matches easily by implementing FilterSpans.accept(org.apache.lucene.queries.spans.Spans)
Status returned from FilterSpans.accept(Spans) that indicates whether a candidate match should be accepted, rejected, or rejected and move on to the next document.
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving float values.
Obtains float field values from LeafReader.getNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
An implementation for retrieving FunctionValues instances for float knn vectors fields.
FloatVectorSimilarityFunction returns a similarity function between two knn vectors with float elements.
A query that retrieves all documents with a DoubleValues value matching a predicate
Returns a score for each document based on a ValueSource, often some function of the value of a field.
A Query wrapping a ValueSource that matches docs in which the values in the value source match a configured range.
A query that wraps another query, and uses a DoubleValuesSource to replace or modify the wrapped query's score
Represents field values as different types.
Abstraction of the logic required to fill the value of a specified doc into a reusable MutableValue.
Function that returns #idf(long, long) for every document.
Depending on the boolean value of the ifSource function, returns the value of the trueSource or falseSource function.
Class exposing static helper methods for generating DoubleValuesSource instances over some IndexReader statistics
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving int values.
Wraps an IntervalIterator and passes through those intervals that match the IntervalFilter.accept() function
A DocIdSetIterator that also allows iteration over matching intervals in a document.
An extension of MatchesIterator that allows it to be treated as an IntervalIterator
A query that retrieves documents containing intervals returned from an IntervalsSource
Factory functions for creating interval sources.
A helper class for IntervalQuery that provides an IntervalIterator for a given field and segment
Obtains int field values from LeafReader.getNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
Use a field value and find the Document Frequency within another field.
LinearFloatFunction implements a linear function over another ValueSource.
Pass a the field value through as a String, no matter the type // Q: doesn't this mean it's a "string"?
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving long values.
Obtains long field values from LeafReader.getNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
Returns the value of IndexReader.maxDoc() for every document.
MaxFloatFunction returns the max of its components.
Returns the maximum payload score seen, else 1 if there are no payloads on the doc.
MinFloatFunction returns the min of its components.
Calculates the minimum payload seen
Generate "more like this" similarity queries.
A simple wrapper for MoreLikeThis for use in scenarios where a Query object is required eg in custom QueryParser extensions.
Abstract ValueSource implementation which wraps multiple ValueSources and applies an extendible boolean function to their values.
Abstract ValueSource implementation which wraps multiple ValueSources and applies an extendible float function to their values.
Abstract parent class for ValueSource implementations that wrap multiple ValueSources and apply their own logic.
Obtains double field values from LeafReader.getSortedNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and using a SortedNumericSelector it gives a single-valued ValueSource view of a field.
Obtains float field values from LeafReader.getSortedNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and using a SortedNumericSelector it gives a single-valued ValueSource view of a field.
Obtains int field values from LeafReader.getSortedNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and using a SortedNumericSelector it gives a single-valued ValueSource view of a field.
Obtains long field values from LeafReader.getSortedNumericDocValues(java.lang.String) and using a SortedNumericSelector it gives a single-valued ValueSource view of a field.
A ValueSource that abstractly represents ValueSources for poly fields, and other things.
A Spans that is formed from the ordered subspans of a SpanNearQuery where the subspans do not overlap and have a maximum slop between them.
Similar to NearSpansOrdered, but for the unordered case.
Function that returns the decoded norm for every document.
Returns the value of IndexReader.numDocs() for every document.
Defines a way of converting payloads to float values, for use by PayloadScoreQuery
An abstract class that defines a way for PayloadScoreQuery instances to transform the cumulative effects of payload scores for a document.
Defines an interface for testing if two payloads should be consider to match
Creates a payload matcher object based on a payload type and an operation.
A Query class that uses a PayloadFunction to modify the score of a wrapped SpanQuery.
Function to raise the base "a" to the power "b"
ProductFloatFunction returns the product of its components.
QueryValueSource returns the relevance score of the query
RangeMapFloatFunction implements a map function over another ValueSource whose values fall within min and max inclusive to target.
ReciprocalFloatFunction implements a reciprocal function f(x) = a/(mx+b), based on the float value of a field or function as exported by ValueSource.
Scales values to be between min and max.
BoolFunction implementation which applies an extendible boolean function to the values of a single wrapped ValueSource.
A simple float function with a single argument
A function with a single argument
Retrieves FunctionValues instances for multi-valued string based fields.
An interface defining the collection of postings information from the leaves of a Spans
Keep matches that contain another SpanScorer.
Wrapper used in SpanDisiPriorityQueue.
Matches spans near the beginning of a field.
Wraps any MultiTermQuery as a SpanQuery, so it can be nested within other SpanQuery classes.
Abstract class that defines how the query is rewritten.
A rewrite method that first translates each term into a SpanTermQuery in a BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD clause in a BooleanQuery, and keeps the scores as computed by the query.
Matches spans which are near one another.
A builder for SpanNearQueries
Removes matches which overlap with another SpanQuery or which are within x tokens before or y tokens after another SpanQuery.
Matches the union of its clauses.
Only return those matches that have a specific payload at the given position.
The payload type.
The payload type.
Base class for filtering a SpanQuery based on the position of a match.
Checks to see if the SpanPositionCheckQuery.getMatch() lies between a start and end position
Base class for span-based queries.
Iterates through combinations of start/end positions per-doc.
A basic Scorer over Spans.
Matches spans containing a term.
Enumeration defining what postings information should be retrieved from the index for a given Spans
Keep matches that are contained within another Spans.
Abstract FunctionValues implementation which supports retrieving String values.
SumFloatFunction returns the sum of its components.
Calculate the final score as the sum of scores of all payloads seen.
SumTotalTermFreqValueSource returns the number of tokens.
Function that returns PostingsEnum.freq() for the supplied term in every document.
Expert: Public for extension only.
Function that returns for every document.
TotalTermFreqValueSource returns the total term freq (sum of term freqs across all documents).
Instantiates FunctionValues for a particular reader.
Scorer which returns the result of FunctionValues.floatVal(int) as the score for a document, and which filters out documents that don't match ValueSourceScorer.matches(int).
An implementation for retrieving FunctionValues instances for knn vectors fields.
VectorSimilarityFunction returns a similarity function between two knn vectors.
Converts individual ValueSource instances to leverage the FunctionValues *Val functions that work with multiple values, i.e.