All Classes and Interfaces

Specify aggregation logic used in TaxonomyFacetIntAssociations and TaxonomyFacetFloatAssociations.
Add an instance of this to your Document to add a facet label associated with an arbitrary byte[].
Like SortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts, but aggregates counts concurrently across segments.
Default implementation of SortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts.
Defines a single range in a FacetSet dimension.
A TaxonomyReader which retrieves stored taxonomy information from a Directory.
TaxonomyWriter which uses a Directory to store the taxonomy information on disk, and keeps an additional in-memory cache of some or all categories.
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.OrdinalMap maintained on file system
Mapping from old ordinal to new ordinals, used when merging indexes with separate taxonomies.
A FacetSet which encodes double dimension values.
Represents a range over double values.
Represents a double range for RangeOnRange faceting
Facets implementation that computes counts for dynamic double ranges.
Represents counts for double range on range faceting.
A Query for drill-down over facet categories.
Computes drill down and sideways counts for the provided DrillDownQuery.
Result of a concurrent drill sideways search, including the Facets and TopDocs.
Result of a drill sideways search, including the Facets and TopDocs.
Methods to create dynamic ranges for numeric fields.
Holds parameters of a dynamic numeric range.
A FacetSetMatcher which considers a set as a match only if all dimension values are equal to the given one.
Base class for facet counts.
Add an instance of this to your Document for every facet label.
Holds a sequence of string components, specifying the hierarchical name of a category.
A term Query over a FacetField.
Counts or aggregates for a single dimension.
Common base class for all facets implementations.
Collects hits for subsequent faceting.
Holds the documents that were matched in the LeafReaderContext.
A CollectorManager implementation which produces FacetsCollector and produces a merged FacetsCollector.
Holds results of a search run via static utility methods exposed by this class.
Records per-dimension configuration.
Holds the configuration for one dimension
Drill down terms indexing option to control whether dimension and sub-path terms should be indexed.
Holds a set of facet dimension values.
A functional interface for decoding facet set values into comparable `long` ones.
Matches the encoded FacetSet that was indexed in FacetSetsField.
A BinaryDocValuesField which encodes a list of facet sets.
Utility class with a single method for getting a DocIdSetIterator that skips deleted docs
Computes facets counts, assuming the default encoding into DocValues was used.
Add an instance of this to your Document to add a facet label associated with a float.
A FacetSet which encodes float dimension values.
Add an instance of this to your Document to add a facet label associated with an int.
A FacetSet which encodes integer dimension values.
Single label and its value, usually contained in a FacetResult.
Abstract class for storing Label->Ordinal mappings in a taxonomy.
A FacetSet which encodes long dimension values.
Represents a range over long values.
Represents a long range for RangeOnRange faceting
Facets implementation that computes counts for dynamic long ranges.
Represents counts for long range on range faceting.
Facets implementation that computes counts for all unique long values, more efficiently counting small values (0-1023) using an int array, and switching to a HashMap for values above 1023.
LRUHashMap is an extension of Java's HashMap, which has a bounded size(); When it reaches that size, each time a new element is added, the least recently used (LRU) entry is removed.
LRU TaxonomyWriterCache - good choice for huge taxonomies.
Determines cache type.
Returns the counts for each given FacetSet
Per-segment, per-document double values, which can be calculated at search-time.
Base class for producing MultiDoubleValues.
A multi-terms Query over a FacetField.
Maps specified dims to provided Facets impls; else, uses the default Facets impl.
Per-segment, per-document long values, which can be calculated at search-time.
Base class for producing MultiLongValues.
An LRU cache of mapping from name to int.
A FilterLeafReader for updating facets ordinal references, based on an ordinal map.
Returns 3 arrays for traversing the taxonomy: parents: parents[i] denotes the parent of category ordinal i.
Abstraction that looks like an int[], but read-only.
Prints how many ords are under each dimension.
Collects hits for subsequent faceting, using sampling if needed.
Base class for a single labeled range.
Base class for a single labeled range.
A FacetSetMatcher which considers a set as a match if all dimensions fall within the given corresponding range.
Use this TaxonomyWriter to append arbitrary fields to the ordinal documents in the taxonomy.
Manages near-real-time reopen of both an IndexSearcher and a TaxonomyReader.
Holds a matched pair of IndexSearcher and TaxonomyReader
Compute facets counts from previously indexed SortedSetDocValuesFacetField, without require a separate taxonomy index.
Add an instance of this to your Document for every facet label to be indexed via SortedSetDocValues.
Wraps a IndexReader and resolves ords using existing SortedSetDocValues APIs without a separate taxonomy index.
Holds children and sibling information for a single dimension.
Holds start/end range of ords, which maps to one dimension.
Stores an OrdinalMap created for a specific IndexReader (reader) + field.
Compute facet counts from a previously indexed SortedSetDocValues or SortedDocValues field.
Aggregates float values associated with facet fields.
Aggregates int values previously indexed with IntAssociationFacetField, assuming the default encoding.
Utility class to easily retrieve previously indexed facet labels, allowing you to skip also adding stored fields for these values, reducing your index size.
Utility methods for merging index and taxonomy directories.
TaxonomyReader is the read-only interface with which the faceted-search library uses the taxonomy during search time.
An iterator over a category's children.
TaxonomyWriter is the interface which the faceted-search library uses to dynamically build the taxonomy at indexing time.
TaxonomyWriterCache is a relatively simple interface for a cache of category->ordinal mappings, used in TaxonomyWriter implementations (such as DirectoryTaxonomyWriter).
Keeps highest results, first by largest float value, then tie-break by smallest ord.
Holds an ordinal and a float value.
Keeps highest results, first by largest int value, then tie-break by smallest ord.
Holds an ordinal and an int value.
Keeps highest results, first by largest value, then tie-break by smallest ord.
Holds a single entry.