All Classes and Interfaces

Shows example usage of category associations.
Shows usage of indexing and searching FacetSetsField with a custom FacetSet implementation.
A FacetSetMatcher which matches facet sets only by their temperature dimension, ignoring the date.
A FacetSet which encodes a temperature reading in a date (long) and degrees (celsius; float).
This class provides DemoEmbeddings.computeEmbedding(String) and DemoEmbeddings.computeEmbedding(Reader) for calculating "semantic" embedding vectors for textual input.
Shows simple usage of dynamic range faceting, using the expressions module to calculate distance.
Demo dynamic range faceting.
Shows facets aggregation by an expression.
Index all text files under a directory.
Manages a map from token to numeric vector for use with KnnVector indexing and search.
Looks up each tokens in a dictionary, and sums the token vectors.
Demonstrates indexing categories into different indexed fields.
Shows simple usage of dynamic range faceting.
Demo for sandbox faceting.
Simple command-line based search demo.
Shows simple usage of faceted indexing and search.
Shows simple usage of faceted indexing and search, using SortedSetDocValuesFacetField and SortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts.