All Classes and Interfaces

Decodes the raw bytes of a block when the index is read, according to the BlockEncoder used during the writing of the index.
Encodes the raw bytes of a block when the index is written.
Writable byte buffer.
Block header containing block metadata.
Reads/writes block header.
One term block line.
Reads/writes block lines with terms encoded incrementally inside a block.
Seeks the block corresponding to a given term, read the block bytes, and scans the block terms.
Handles a terms dict, but decouples all details of doc/freqs/positions reading to an instance of PostingsReaderBase.
Writes terms dict, block-encoding (column stride) each term's metadata for each set of terms between two index terms.
Writes blocks in the block file.
Class used to create index-time FuzzySet appropriately configured for each field.
A PostingsFormat useful for low doc-frequency fields such as primary keys.
Default policy is to allocate a bitset with 10% saturation given a unique term per document.
TermState serializer which encodes each file pointer as a delta relative to a base file pointer.
Wraps Lucene912PostingsFormat format for on-disk storage, but then at read time loads and stores all terms and postings directly in RAM as byte[], int[].
Metadata and stats for one field in the index.
Reads/writes field metadata.
Pair of FieldMetadata and BlockTermState for a specific field.
TermsIndexReader for simple every Nth terms indexes.
Selects every Nth term as and index term, and hold term bytes (mostly) fully expanded in memory.
A bit vector scorer for scoring byte vectors.
Immutable stateless FST-based index dictionary kept in memory.
Provides stateful FSTDictionary.Browser to seek in the FSTDictionary.
Builds an immutable FSTDictionary.
FST term dict + Lucene50PBF
FST-based terms dictionary reader.
FST-based term dict, using metadata as FST output.
A class used to represent a set of many, potentially large, values (e.g.
Result from FuzzySet.contains(BytesRef): can never return definitively YES (always MAYBE), but can sometimes definitely return NO.
Base class for hashing functions that can be referred to by name.
Encodes bit vector values into an associated graph connecting the documents having values.
Immutable stateless index dictionary kept in RAM.
Stateful IndexDictionary.Browser to seek a term in this IndexDictionary and get its corresponding block file pointer in the block file.
Supplier for a new stateful IndexDictionary.Browser created on the immutable IndexDictionary.
Builds an immutable IndexDictionary.
The "intersect" TermsEnum response to UniformSplitTerms.intersect(CompiledAutomaton, BytesRef), intersecting the terms with an automaton.
Block iteration order.
This is a very fast, non-cryptographic hash suitable for general hash-based lookup.
This is just like Lucene90BlockTreeTermsWriter, except it also stores a version per term, and adds a method to its TermsEnum implementation to seekExact only if the version is >= the specified version.
Iterates through terms in this field.
Utility methods to estimate the RAM usage of objects.
plain text index format.
plain text compound format.
plaintext field infos format
For debugging, curiosity, transparency only!! Do not use this codec in production.
Reads vector values from a simple text format.
Writes vector-valued fields in a plain text format
reads/writes plaintext live docs
plain-text norms format.
Writes plain-text norms.
Reads plain-text norms.
For debugging, curiosity, transparency only!! Do not use this codec in production.
plain text segments file format.
plain text stored fields format.
reads plaintext stored fields
Writes plain-text stored fields.
plain text term vectors format.
Reads plain-text term vectors.
Writes plain-text term vectors.
Represents a term and its details stored in the BlockTermState.
Reads block lines encoded incrementally, with all fields corresponding to the term of the line.
Reads terms blocks with the Shared Terms format.
Writes terms blocks with the Shared Terms format.
The "intersect" TermsEnum response to STUniformSplitTerms.intersect(CompiledAutomaton, BytesRef), intersecting the terms with an automaton.
TermsEnum used when merging segments, to enumerate the terms of an input segment and get all the fields TermStates of each term.
PostingsFormat based on the Uniform Split technique and supporting Shared Terms.
Extends UniformSplitTerms for a shared-terms dictionary, with all the fields of a term in the same block line.
A block-based terms index and dictionary based on the Uniform Split technique, and sharing all the fields terms in the same dictionary, with all the fields of a term in the same block line.
Extends UniformSplitTermsWriter by sharing all the fields terms in the same dictionary and by writing all the fields of a term in the same block line.
Term of a block line.
BlockTermsReader interacts with an instance of this class to manage its terms index.
Similar to TermsEnum, except, the only "metadata" it reports for a given indexed term is the long fileOffset into the main terms dictionary file.
Base class for terms index implementations to plug into BlockTermsWriter.
PostingsFormat based on the Uniform Split technique.
Terms based on the Uniform Split technique.
A block-based terms index and dictionary based on the Uniform Split technique.
A block-based terms index and dictionary that assigns terms to nearly uniform length blocks.
Builds a FieldMetadata that is the union of multiple FieldMetadata.
Selects index terms according to provided pluggable VariableGapTermsIndexWriter.IndexTermSelector, and stores them in a prefix trie that's loaded entirely in RAM stored as an FST.
Sets an index term when docFreq >= docFreqThresh, or every interval terms.
Hook for selecting which terms should be placed in the terms index.