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addTerms(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.NearestFuzzyQuery
Adds user input for "fuzzification"
analyzer - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
Analyzer to be used for tokenizing unseen input text
assignClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.BM25NBClassifier
assignClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.BooleanPerceptronClassifier
assignClass(String) - Method in interface org.apache.lucene.classification.Classifier
Assign a class (with score) to the given text String
assignClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestFuzzyClassifier
assignClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
assignClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
assignClass(Document) - Method in interface org.apache.lucene.classification.document.DocumentClassifier
Assign a class (with score) to the given Document
assignClass(Document) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.KNearestNeighborDocumentClassifier
assignClass(Document) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.SimpleNaiveBayesDocumentClassifier
assignClassNormalizedList(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.CachingNaiveBayesClassifier
Transforms values into a range between 0 and 1
assignClassNormalizedList(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
Calculate probabilities for all classes for a given input text
assignedClass() - Method in record class org.apache.lucene.classification.ClassificationResult
Returns the value of the assignedClass record component.


BM25NBClassifier - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification
A classifier approximating naive bayes classifier by using pure queries on BM25.
BM25NBClassifier(IndexReader, Analyzer, Query, String, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.BM25NBClassifier
Creates a new NaiveBayes classifier.
BooleanPerceptronClassifier - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification
A perceptron (see based Boolean Classifier.
BooleanPerceptronClassifier(IndexReader, Analyzer, Query, Integer, Double, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.BooleanPerceptronClassifier
buildListFromTopDocs(TopDocs) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
build a list of classification results from search results


CachingNaiveBayesClassifier - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification
A simplistic Lucene based NaiveBayes classifier, with caching feature, see
CachingNaiveBayesClassifier(IndexReader, Analyzer, Query, String, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.CachingNaiveBayesClassifier
Creates a new NaiveBayes classifier with inside caching.
classFieldName - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
the name of the field used as the output text
classFieldName - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
name of the field to be used as a class / category output
ClassificationResult<T> - Record Class in org.apache.lucene.classification
The result of a call to Classifier.assignClass(String) holding an assigned class of type T and a score.
ClassificationResult(T, double) - Constructor for record class org.apache.lucene.classification.ClassificationResult
Creates an instance of a ClassificationResult record class.
Classifier<T> - Interface in org.apache.lucene.classification
A classifier, see, which assign classes of type T
classifyFromTopDocs(TopDocs) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
compareTo(ClassificationResult<T>) - Method in record class org.apache.lucene.classification.ClassificationResult
ConfusionMatrixGenerator - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification.utils
Utility class to generate the confusion matrix of a Classifier
ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification.utils
a confusion matrix, backed by a Map representing the linearized matrix
countDocsWithClass() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
count the number of documents in the index having at least a value for the 'class' field


DatasetSplitter - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification.utils
Utility class for creating training / test / cross validation indexes from the original index.
DatasetSplitter(double, double) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.DatasetSplitter
Create a DatasetSplitter by giving test and cross validation IDXs sizes
DocToDoubleVectorUtils - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification.utils
utility class for converting Lucene Documents to Double vectors.
DocumentClassifier<T> - Interface in org.apache.lucene.classification.document
A classifier, see, which assign classes of type T to a Documents


equals(Object) - Method in record class org.apache.lucene.classification.ClassificationResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.NearestFuzzyQuery


field2analyzer - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.KNearestNeighborDocumentClassifier
map of per field analyzers
field2analyzer - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.SimpleNaiveBayesDocumentClassifier
Analyzer to be used for tokenizing document fields


getAccuracy() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
Calculate accuracy on this confusion matrix using the formula: accuracy = correctly-classified / (correctly-classified + wrongly-classified)
getAvgClassificationTime() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
get the average classification time in milliseconds
getClasses(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.BM25NBClassifier
getClasses(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.BooleanPerceptronClassifier
getClasses(String) - Method in interface org.apache.lucene.classification.Classifier
Get all the classes (sorted by score, descending) assigned to the given text String.
getClasses(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestFuzzyClassifier
getClasses(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
getClasses(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
getClasses(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.BM25NBClassifier
getClasses(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.BooleanPerceptronClassifier
getClasses(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.lucene.classification.Classifier
Get the first max classes (sorted by score, descending) assigned to the given text String.
getClasses(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestFuzzyClassifier
getClasses(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
getClasses(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
getClasses(Document) - Method in interface org.apache.lucene.classification.document.DocumentClassifier
Get all the classes (sorted by score, descending) assigned to the given Document.
getClasses(Document) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.KNearestNeighborDocumentClassifier
getClasses(Document) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.SimpleNaiveBayesDocumentClassifier
getClasses(Document, int) - Method in interface org.apache.lucene.classification.document.DocumentClassifier
Get the first max classes (sorted by score, descending) assigned to the given text String.
getClasses(Document, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.KNearestNeighborDocumentClassifier
getClasses(Document, int) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.SimpleNaiveBayesDocumentClassifier
getConfusionMatrix(IndexReader, Classifier<T>, String, String, long) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator
get the ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix of a given Classifier, generated on the given IndexReader, class and text fields.
getF1Measure() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
get the F-1 measure on this confusion matrix
getF1Measure(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
get the F-1 measure of the given class
getLinearizedMatrix() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
get the linearized confusion matrix as a Map
getNumberOfEvaluatedDocs() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
get the no.
getPrecision() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
get the macro averaged precision (see ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix.getPrecision(String)) over all the classes.
getPrecision(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
calculate precision on the given class
getRecall() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
get the macro averaged recall (see ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix.getRecall(String)) over all the classes
getRecall(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
calculate recall on the given class
getTokenArray(TokenStream) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.SimpleNaiveBayesDocumentClassifier
Returns a token array from the TokenStream in input


hashCode() - Method in record class org.apache.lucene.classification.ClassificationResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.NearestFuzzyQuery


indexReader - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
IndexReader used to access the Classifier's index
indexSearcher - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
an IndexSearcher used to perform queries
indexSearcher - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
IndexSearcher to run searches on the index for retrieving frequencies


k - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
the no.
KNearestFuzzyClassifier - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification
A k-Nearest Neighbor classifier based on NearestFuzzyQuery.
KNearestFuzzyClassifier(IndexReader, Similarity, Analyzer, Query, int, String, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestFuzzyClassifier
KNearestNeighborClassifier - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification
A k-Nearest Neighbor classifier (see ) based on MoreLikeThis
KNearestNeighborClassifier(IndexReader, Similarity, Analyzer, Query, int, int, int, String, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
KNearestNeighborDocumentClassifier - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification.document
A k-Nearest Neighbor Document classifier (see based on MoreLikeThis .
KNearestNeighborDocumentClassifier(IndexReader, Similarity, Query, int, int, int, String, Map<String, Analyzer>, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.KNearestNeighborDocumentClassifier


mlt - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
a MoreLikeThis instance used to perform MLT queries


NearestFuzzyQuery - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification.utils
Simplification of FuzzyLikeThisQuery, to be used in the context of KNN classification.
NearestFuzzyQuery(Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.NearestFuzzyQuery
Default constructor
normClassificationResults(List<ClassificationResult<BytesRef>>) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
Normalize the classification results based on the max score available


org.apache.lucene.classification - package org.apache.lucene.classification
Uses already seen data (the indexed documents) to classify an input ( can be simple text or a structured document).
org.apache.lucene.classification.document - package org.apache.lucene.classification.document
Uses already seen data (the indexed documents) to classify new documents.
org.apache.lucene.classification.utils - package org.apache.lucene.classification.utils
Utilities for evaluation, data preparation, etc.


query - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
a Query used to filter the documents that should be used from this classifier's underlying LeafReader
query - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
Query used to eventually filter the document set to be used to classify


reInitCache(int, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.CachingNaiveBayesClassifier
This function is building the frame of the cache.
rewrite(IndexSearcher) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.NearestFuzzyQuery


score() - Method in record class org.apache.lucene.classification.ClassificationResult
Returns the value of the score record component.
SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification
A simplistic Lucene based NaiveBayes classifier, see
SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier(IndexReader, Analyzer, Query, String, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
Creates a new NaiveBayes classifier.
SimpleNaiveBayesDocumentClassifier - Class in org.apache.lucene.classification.document
A simplistic Lucene based NaiveBayes classifier, see
SimpleNaiveBayesDocumentClassifier(IndexReader, Query, String, Map<String, Analyzer>, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.classification.document.SimpleNaiveBayesDocumentClassifier
Creates a new NaiveBayes classifier.
split(IndexReader, Directory, Directory, Directory, Analyzer, boolean, String, String...) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.DatasetSplitter
Split a given index into 3 indexes for training, test and cross validation tasks respectively


textFieldNames - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
the name of the fields used as the input text
textFieldNames - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
names of the fields to be used as input text
toDenseLocalFreqDoubleArray(Terms) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.DocToDoubleVectorUtils
create a dense Double vector given doc and field term vectors using local frequency of the terms in the doc
tokenize(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.SimpleNaiveBayesClassifier
tokenize a String on this classifier's text fields and analyzer
toSparseLocalFreqDoubleArray(Terms, Terms) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.DocToDoubleVectorUtils
create a sparse Double vector given doc and field term vectors using local frequency of the terms in the doc
toString() - Method in record class org.apache.lucene.classification.ClassificationResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestFuzzyClassifier
toString() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.KNearestNeighborClassifier
toString() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.ConfusionMatrixGenerator.ConfusionMatrix
toString(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.NearestFuzzyQuery


visit(QueryVisitor) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.classification.utils.NearestFuzzyQuery
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