All Classes and Interfaces

A compression mode.
A data compressor.
A decompressor.
A compression mode that trades speed for compression ratio.
Utility class to wrap open files
BlockTree's implementation of Terms.
Utility class to encode/decode increasing sequences of 128 integers.
Utility class to encode/decode increasing sequences of 128 integers.
Retrieves an instance previously written by LegacyDirectMonotonicWriter.
In-memory metadata that needs to be kept around for LegacyDirectMonotonicReader to read data from disk.
Write monotonically-increasing sequences of integers.
Retrieves an instance previously written by LegacyDirectWriter
Class for writing packed integers to be directly read from Directory.
Legacy PackedInts operations.
A block-based terms index and dictionary that assigns terms to variable length blocks according to how they share prefixes.
Lucene 5.0 compound file format
A StoredFieldsFormat that compresses documents in chunks in order to improve the compression ratio.
A TermVectorsFormat that compresses chunks of documents together in order to improve the compression ratio.
Lucene 5.0 live docs format
Lucene 5.0 postings format, which encodes postings in packed integer blocks for fast decode.
Holds all state required for Lucene50PostingsReader to produce a PostingsEnum without re-seeking the terms dict.
Concrete class that reads docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list with postings format.
Lucene 5.0 stored fields format.
Configuration option for stored fields.
Lucene 6.0 Field Infos format.
Lucene 6.0 point format, which encodes dimensional values in a block KD-tree structure for fast 1D range and N dimensional shape intersection filtering.
Reads point values previously written with Lucene60PointsWriter
Lucene 7.0 Segment info format.
Implements the Lucene 8.0 index format.
Lucene 8.0 DocValues format.
Configuration option for doc values.
Lucene 8.0 Score normalization format.
Implements the Lucene 8.4 index format, with configurable per-field postings and docvalues formats.
Lucene 5.0 postings format, which encodes postings in packed integer blocks for fast decode.
Holds all state required for Lucene84PostingsReader to produce a PostingsEnum without re-seeking the terms dict.
Concrete class that reads docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list with postings format.
Implements the Lucene 8.6 index format, with configurable per-field postings and docvalues formats.
Lucene 8.6 point format, which encodes dimensional values in a block KD-tree structure for fast 1D range and N dimensional shape intersection filtering.
Reads point values previously written with Lucene86PointsWriter
Lucene 8.6 Segment info format.
Implements the Lucene 8.6 index format, with configurable per-field postings and docvalues formats.
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene 8.7 stored fields format.
Configuration option for stored fields.
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set bound value with a new value.
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set maximum value with a new value.
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set minimum value with a new value.
Implements the Lucene 9.0 index format
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene 9.0 Field Infos format.
Builder for HNSW graph.
Lucene 9.0 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph connecting the documents having values.
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
NeighborArray encodes the neighbors of a node and their mutual scores in the HNSW graph as a pair of growable arrays.
An HnswGraph where all nodes and connections are held in memory.
Lucene 9.0 postings format, which encodes postings in packed integer blocks for fast decode.
Holds all state required for Lucene90PostingsReader to produce a PostingsEnum without re-seeking the terms dict.
Concrete class that reads docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list with postings format.
Concrete class that writes docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list with postings format.
Lucene 9.0 Segment info format.
Implements the Lucene 9.12 index format
Configuration option for the codec.
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set bound value with a new value.
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set maximum value with a new value.
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set minimum value with a new value.
Implements the Lucene 9.1 index format
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene 9.1 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph connecting the documents having values.
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
NeighborArray encodes the neighbors of a node and their mutual scores in the HNSW graph as a pair of growable arrays.
An HnswGraph where all nodes and connections are held in memory.
Implements the Lucene 9.2 index format
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene 9.2 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph connecting the documents having values.
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
Implements the Lucene 9.4 index format
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene 9.4 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph connecting the documents having values.
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
Implements the Lucene 9.5 index format
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene 9.5 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph connecting the documents having values.
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
Implements the Lucene 9.9 index format
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene 9.9 postings format, which encodes postings in packed integer blocks for fast decode.
Holds all state required for Lucene99PostingsReader to produce a PostingsEnum without re-seeking the terms dict.
Concrete class that reads docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list with postings format.
Implements the skip list reader for block postings format that stores positions and payloads.
Write skip lists with multiple levels, and support skip within block ints.
A compression mode that compromises on the compression ratio to provide fast compression and decompression.
Computes which segments have identical field name to number mappings, which allows stored fields and term vectors in this codec to be bulk-merged.
Utility class to encode sequences of 128 small positive integers.
Remove this file when adding back compat codecs
BlockTree statistics for a single field returned by FieldReader.getStats().