Class LocalFileSystemRepository

    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalFileSystemRepository

        public LocalFileSystemRepository()
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigProperty

        public <T> T getConfigProperty​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        This method returns the value of the specified configuration property.
      • createURI

        public URI createURI​(String location)
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        This method returns the URI representation for the specified path. Note - the specified path could be a fully qualified URI OR a relative path for a file-system.
        location - The path specified by the user.
        the URI representation of the user supplied value
      • resolve

        public URI resolve​(URI baseUri,
                           String... pathComponents)
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        This method resolves a URI using the specified path components (as method arguments).
        baseUri - The base URI to use for creating the path
        pathComponents - The directory (or file-name) to be included in the URI.
        A URI containing absolute path
      • createDirectory

        public void createDirectory​(URI path)
                             throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        This method creates a directory at the specified path. If the directory already exist, this will be a no-op.
        path - The path where the directory needs to be created.
        IOException - in case of errors
      • deleteDirectory

        public void deleteDirectory​(URI path)
                             throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        This method deletes a directory at the specified path.
        path - The path referring to the directory to be deleted.
        IOException - in case of errors
      • exists

        public boolean exists​(URI path)
                       throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        This method checks if the specified path exists in this repository.
        path - The path whose existence needs to be checked.
        if the specified path exists in this repository.
        IOException - in case of errors
      • openInput

        public openInput​(URI dirPath,
                                                            String fileName,
                                                     throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        This method returns a Lucene input stream reading an existing file.
        dirPath - The parent directory of the file to be read
        fileName - The name of the file to be read
        ctx - the Lucene IO context
        Lucene IndexInput reference
        IOException - in case of errors
      • listAll

        public String[] listAll​(URI dirPath)
                         throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        This method returns all the entries (files and directories) in the specified directory.
        dirPath - The directory path
        an array of strings, one for each entry in the directory
        IOException - in case of errors
      • copyIndexFileFrom

        public void copyIndexFileFrom​( sourceDir,
                                      String sourceFileName,
                                      URI destDir,
                                      String destFileName)
                               throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        Copy an index file from specified sourceDir to the destination repository (i.e. backup).
        sourceDir - The source directory hosting the file to be copied.
        sourceFileName - The name of the file to be copied
        destDir - The destination backup location.
        IOException - in case of errors
        org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException - in case checksum of the file does not match with precomputed checksum stored at the end of the file
      • copyIndexFileTo

        public void copyIndexFileTo​(URI sourceDir,
                                    String sourceFileName,
                                    String destFileName)
                             throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BackupRepository
        Copy an index file from specified sourceRepo to the destination directory (i.e. restore).
        sourceDir - The source URI hosting the file to be copied.
        dest - The destination where the file should be copied.
        IOException - in case of errors.