
Solr implementations of ValueSource for distance based function queries.


Class Summary
GeoDistValueSourceParser Parses "geodist" creating HaversineConstFunction or HaversineFunction or calling SpatialStrategy.makeDistanceValueSource(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point,double).
GeohashFunction Takes in a latitude and longitude ValueSource and produces a GeoHash.
GeohashHaversineFunction Calculate the Haversine distance between two geo hash codes.
HaversineConstFunction Haversine function with one point constant
HaversineFunction Calculate the Haversine formula (distance) between any two points on a sphere Takes in four value sources: (latA, lonA); (latB, lonB).
SquaredEuclideanFunction While not strictly a distance, the Sq.
VectorDistanceFunction Calculate the p-norm for a Vector.

Package Description

Solr implementations of ValueSource for distance based function queries.

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