Package org.apache.solr.handler.component

SearchComponent implementations for use in SearchHandler


Interface Summary
StatsValues StatsValue defines the interface for the collection of statistical values about fields and facets.

Class Summary
DebugComponent Adds debugging information to a request.
FacetComponent TODO!
FacetComponent.DistribFieldFacet This API is experimental and subject to change
FacetComponent.FacetBase This API is experimental and subject to change
FacetComponent.FacetInfo This API is experimental and subject to change
FacetComponent.FieldFacet This API is experimental and subject to change
FacetComponent.QueryFacet This API is experimental and subject to change
FacetComponent.ShardFacetCount This API is experimental and subject to change
FieldFacetStats FieldFacetStats is a utility to accumulate statistics on a set of values in one field, for facet values present in another field.
HighlightComponent TODO!
MoreLikeThisComponent TODO!
QueryComponent TODO!
QueryElevationComponent A component to elevate some documents to the top of the result set.
ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.
ResponseLogComponent Adds to the log file the document IDs that are sent in the query response.
SearchComponent TODO!
SearchHandler Refer SOLR-281
SpellCheckComponent A SearchComponent implementation which provides support for spell checking and suggestions using the Lucene contributed SpellChecker.
StatsComponent Stats component calculates simple statistics on numeric field values
StatsValuesFactory Factory class for creating instance of StatsValues
TermsComponent Return TermEnum information, useful for things like auto suggest.
TermVectorComponent Return term vectors for the documents in a query result set.

Package org.apache.solr.handler.component Description

SearchComponent implementations for use in SearchHandler

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