Interface GeoAreaShape

All Superinterfaces:
Bounded, GeoArea, GeoBounds, GeoMembershipShape, GeoOutsideDistance, GeoShape, Membership, PlanetObject, SerializableObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
GeoBBox, GeoCircle, GeoDistanceShape, GeoPath, GeoPointShape, GeoPolygon
All Known Implementing Classes:
GeoBaseDistanceShape, GeoCompositeAreaShape, GeoCompositePolygon, GeoDegenerateVerticalLine

public interface GeoAreaShape extends GeoMembershipShape, GeoArea
Shape that implements GeoArea. This type of shapes are able to resolve the spatial relationship of other shapes with itself.
WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Method Details

    • intersects

      boolean intersects(GeoShape geoShape)
      Assess whether a shape intersects with any of the edges of this shape. Note well that this method must return false if the shape contains or is disjoint with the given shape. It is permissible to return true if the shape is within the specified shape, if it is difficult to compute intersection with edges.
      geoShape - is the shape to assess for intersection with this shape's edges.
      true if there's such an intersection, false if not.