Interface IndexSorter

    • Method Detail

      • getDocComparator

        IndexSorter.DocComparator getDocComparator​(LeafReader reader,
                                                   int maxDoc)
                                            throws IOException
        Get a comparator that determines the sort order of docs within a single Reader. NB We cannot simply use the FieldComparator API because it requires docIDs to be sent in-order. The default implementations allocate array[maxDoc] to hold native values for comparison, but 1) they are transient (only alive while sorting this one segment) and 2) in the typical index sorting case, they are only used to sort newly flushed segments, which will be smaller than merged segments
        reader - the Reader to sort
        maxDoc - the number of documents in the Reader
      • getProviderName

        String getProviderName()
        The SPI-registered name of a SortFieldProvider that will deserialize the parent SortField