Class LatLonShape

  • public class LatLonShape
    extends Object
    An indexed shape utility class.

    Polygon's are decomposed into a triangular mesh using the Tessellator utility class Each Tessellator.Triangle is encoded and indexed as a multi-value field.

    Finding all shapes that intersect a range (e.g., bounding box) at search time is efficient.

    This class defines static factory methods for common operations:

    WARNING: Like LatLonPoint, vertex values are indexed with some loss of precision from the original double values (4.190951585769653E-8 for the latitude component and 8.381903171539307E-8 for longitude).
    See Also:
    PointValues, LatLonDocValuesField
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Field Detail

      • TYPE

        protected static final FieldType TYPE
    • Method Detail

      • createIndexableFields

        public static Field[] createIndexableFields​(String fieldName,
                                                    Polygon polygon)
        create indexable fields for polygon geometry
      • createIndexableFields

        public static Field[] createIndexableFields​(String fieldName,
                                                    Line line)
        create indexable fields for line geometry
      • createIndexableFields

        public static Field[] createIndexableFields​(String fieldName,
                                                    double lat,
                                                    double lon)
        create indexable fields for point geometry
      • newBoxQuery

        public static Query newBoxQuery​(String field,
                                        LatLonShape.QueryRelation queryRelation,
                                        double minLatitude,
                                        double maxLatitude,
                                        double minLongitude,
                                        double maxLongitude)
        create a query to find all polygons that intersect a defined bounding box
      • newLineQuery

        public static Query newLineQuery​(String field,
                                         LatLonShape.QueryRelation queryRelation,
                                         Line... lines)
        create a query to find all polygons that intersect a provided linestring (or array of linestrings) note: does not support dateline crossing
      • newPolygonQuery

        public static Query newPolygonQuery​(String field,
                                            LatLonShape.QueryRelation queryRelation,
                                            Polygon... polygons)
        create a query to find all polygons that intersect a provided polygon (or array of polygons) note: does not support dateline crossing
      • encodeTriangle

        public static void encodeTriangle​(byte[] bytes,
                                          int aLat,
                                          int aLon,
                                          int bLat,
                                          int bLon,
                                          int cLat,
                                          int cLon)
        A triangle is encoded using 6 points and an extra point with encoded information in three bits of how to reconstruct it. Triangles are encoded with CCW orientation and might be rotated to limit the number of possible reconstructions to 2^3. Reconstruction always happens from west to east.