Class SimpleQueryParser

  extended by org.apache.lucene.util.QueryBuilder
      extended by org.apache.lucene.queryparser.simple.SimpleQueryParser

public class SimpleQueryParser
extends QueryBuilder

SimpleQueryParser is used to parse human readable query syntax.

The main idea behind this parser is that a person should be able to type whatever they want to represent a query, and this parser will do its best to interpret what to search for no matter how poorly composed the request may be. Tokens are considered to be any of a term, phrase, or subquery for the operations described below. Whitespace including ' ' '\n' '\r' and '\t' and certain operators may be used to delimit tokens ( ) + | " .

Any errors in query syntax will be ignored and the parser will attempt to decipher what it can; however, this may mean odd or unexpected results.

Query Operators

The default operator is OR if no other operator is specified. For example, the following will OR token1 and token2 together: token1 token2

Normal operator precedence will be simple order from right to left. For example, the following will evaluate token1 OR token2 first, then AND with token3:

token1 | token2 + token3


An individual term may contain any possible character with certain characters requiring escaping using a '\'. The following characters will need to be escaped in terms and phrases: + | " ( ) ' \

The '-' operator is a special case. On individual terms (not phrases) the first character of a term that is - must be escaped; however, any '-' characters beyond the first character do not need to be escaped. For example:

The '*' operator is a special case. On individual terms (not phrases) the last character of a term that is '*' must be escaped; however, any '*' characters before the last character do not need to be escaped:

Note that above examples consider the terms before text processing.

Field Summary
static int AND_OPERATOR
          Enables AND operator (+)
          Enables ESCAPE operator (\)
protected  int flags
          flags to the parser (to turn features on/off)
          Enables FUZZY operators: (~) on single terms
static int NEAR_OPERATOR
          Enables NEAR operators: (~) on phrases
static int NOT_OPERATOR
          Enables NOT operator (-)
static int OR_OPERATOR
          Enables OR operator (|)
          Enables PHRASE operator (")
          Enables PRECEDENCE operators: ( and )
          Enables PREFIX operator (*)
protected  Map<String,Float> weights
          Map of fields to query against with their weights
          Enables WHITESPACE operators: ' ' '\n' '\r' '\t'
Constructor Summary
SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer, Map<String,Float> weights)
          Creates a new parser searching over multiple fields with different weights.
SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer, Map<String,Float> weights, int flags)
          Creates a new parser with custom flags used to enable/disable certain features.
SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer, String field)
          Creates a new parser searching over a single field.
Method Summary
 BooleanClause.Occur getDefaultOperator()
          Returns the implicit operator setting, which will be either SHOULD or MUST.
protected  Query newDefaultQuery(String text)
          Factory method to generate a standard query (no phrase or prefix operators).
protected  Query newFuzzyQuery(String text, int fuzziness)
          Factory method to generate a fuzzy query.
protected  Query newPhraseQuery(String text, int slop)
          Factory method to generate a phrase query with slop.
protected  Query newPrefixQuery(String text)
          Factory method to generate a prefix query.
 Query parse(String queryText)
          Parses the query text and returns parsed query (or null if empty)
 void setDefaultOperator(BooleanClause.Occur operator)
          Sets the implicit operator setting, which must be either SHOULD or MUST.
protected  Query simplify(BooleanQuery bq)
          Helper to simplify boolean queries with 0 or 1 clause
Methods inherited from class org.apache.lucene.util.QueryBuilder
createBooleanQuery, createBooleanQuery, createFieldQuery, createMinShouldMatchQuery, createPhraseQuery, createPhraseQuery, getAnalyzer, getEnablePositionIncrements, newBooleanQuery, newMultiPhraseQuery, newPhraseQuery, newTermQuery, setAnalyzer, setEnablePositionIncrements
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Map<String,Float> weights
Map of fields to query against with their weights


protected final int flags
flags to the parser (to turn features on/off)


public static final int AND_OPERATOR
Enables AND operator (+)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOT_OPERATOR
Enables NOT operator (-)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OR_OPERATOR
Enables OR operator (|)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PREFIX_OPERATOR
Enables PREFIX operator (*)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PHRASE_OPERATOR
Enables PHRASE operator (")

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PRECEDENCE_OPERATORS
Enables PRECEDENCE operators: ( and )

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ESCAPE_OPERATOR
Enables ESCAPE operator (\)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WHITESPACE_OPERATOR
Enables WHITESPACE operators: ' ' '\n' '\r' '\t'

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FUZZY_OPERATOR
Enables FUZZY operators: (~) on single terms

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NEAR_OPERATOR
Enables NEAR operators: (~) on phrases

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer,
                         String field)
Creates a new parser searching over a single field.


public SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer,
                         Map<String,Float> weights)
Creates a new parser searching over multiple fields with different weights.


public SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer,
                         Map<String,Float> weights,
                         int flags)
Creates a new parser with custom flags used to enable/disable certain features.

Method Detail


public Query parse(String queryText)
Parses the query text and returns parsed query (or null if empty)


protected Query newDefaultQuery(String text)
Factory method to generate a standard query (no phrase or prefix operators).


protected Query newFuzzyQuery(String text,
                              int fuzziness)
Factory method to generate a fuzzy query.


protected Query newPhraseQuery(String text,
                               int slop)
Factory method to generate a phrase query with slop.


protected Query newPrefixQuery(String text)
Factory method to generate a prefix query.


protected Query simplify(BooleanQuery bq)
Helper to simplify boolean queries with 0 or 1 clause


public BooleanClause.Occur getDefaultOperator()
Returns the implicit operator setting, which will be either SHOULD or MUST.


public void setDefaultOperator(BooleanClause.Occur operator)
Sets the implicit operator setting, which must be either SHOULD or MUST.

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